
LADIES, what do you think of submissive women?

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I have always been the type of person who has never been submissive. When I think of a submissive woman, I think of a woman that is afraid of the man she is with and has taught him that it's ok to treat her that way. I remember growing up with my step dad my mom and my two sisters. It seemed that all of them were afraid of him because he was such a big man and he knew it. So often he would intimidate them especially my mom.

But when it came to me. I told him to his face that I've never been afraid of anyone, including him. I even told him that if he ever tried to intimidate me I would kill him. After that he slept with the door to his room locked. But you see to me, submission seems to be a state of mind. I have always been the type of person that won't back down from nothing. Like when ever I would get in his face and tell him off it was like a rush of adrenaline to me. And I even dared him to hit me a few times. But my question is what do you think of submissive women?




  1. they are weak they don't have self worth they lack attitude they don't have any self esteem about them selves they have to bend over for what a man have to say at all time they don't have a mind of there own the man have the power to do anything he wants without the woman saying anything to him i call that weak minded they can stand for themselves is a shame that woman could be like this I know allot of woman like this  is sad

  2. All people are different and most people lean to one side, being more dominant or being more submissive. As long as they are who they are and not being forced into it, uit's perfectly normal.

  3. You answered your own question. I t is all a state of mind. They feel that there is no other way to live.

  4. What you are talking about is an abusive situation.  Fear and submission are not the same thing at all.  Submission is indeed a state of mind, but it is not about fear.

    If you crave a relationship in which you are submissive, you are likely to be happier if you get it.  My husband and I have always had a lot of conflict in  our marriage, but my desire to be submissive to him was kept semi-suppressed, more or less confined to the bedroom.  Coming clean to him about what I wanted, and what I hoped it might do to improve our marriage, brought about a big improvement in relations between us.  We are much closer, more communicative, get along much better generally.  Plus I am much more strongly attracted to him.

    He has always had a terrible temper, and we frequently had awful rows, but since I explained my feelings to him, he keeps it much better, and we hardly ever have rows any more.  And I find that when he speaks to me in a certain way, a submissive feeling comes over me and I find it highly pleasurable.  

    Obviously, nobody wants to be submissive to an abusive jerk.  But if you have a man who knows how to be dominant in a way that makes you feel good, it enhances your relationship.  it's like a dance, he's leading and you're following, but it's no good if he's a rotten dancer and keeps treading on your feet, or steering you the wrong way.  You have to choose the right partner to dance with.

  5. It depends on your definition of what "submissive" is. The problem is, lots of people take tihngs out of context. Think about it this way, lots of people say that being "feminine" is how a woman looks and not how a woman APPEARS (for those of you that are not deep thinkers, just sleep on that!). Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that most people place a higher value on a woman who appears to be weaker than a woman that does not place a value on being perceived as being weak. It's a double-standard, catch 22...

  6. In my opinion one should never have to feel as if they are "submitting" to anything. I think when you find the right partner its easy to go along with his or her ideals and feel like they have your best interests at heart. Unfortunately too many of us have seen abusive examples of submissive women. For instance my grandmother basically went with the flow on a lot of my grandfathers nonsensical ideas and she had 6 kids (all of which he wanted) and he had a very nice income, but he made his children live as if they were poor, and made my grandmother have to scrimp and save, while he went out with his friends and lavished them with steak dinners. He would also beat his kids for no justifiable reason other than he was not pleased with them, and my grandmother stood by and allowed this to occur. She cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner, took care of him and their six kids and was never appreciated for it, after her death he referred to her as a "fresh mouth", who never supported him. Then he promptly looked for his next victim, someone who he could get to take over where my grandmother left off in the kitchen. She was someone who deserved to be appreciated but never was, like a lot of other women in her generation who got stuck with drunkards for husbands.

  7. You were lucky the man didn't break both your legs.

    Like it or not - being a mere child with no voice - WE had no alternative but to submit to the bully.  You were living under his roof, not the other way around.  It was so nerve-wracking all the time wondering what would make the psycho act out next.  Always on guard, hypervigilant.  Waiting.  Waiting.

    Adult women are not children or dogs who need to be "disciplined" or forced to submit to the will of others.

    @ Untamed: "A submissive woman can mean anything from, she doesnt take control in the she needs someone to tell her what to wear and eat."

    Wrong.  A woman who "needs someone to tell her what to wear and eat" definitely suffers from Dependent Personality Disorder.  Look up the criteria for diagnosis:  extreme dependence upon others for even the most basic things.  This is not a fully-functioning adult human being.  Another problem likely to surface is a tendency towards  passive-aggressive behaviours, clearly a result of repressed hostility and anger.  Many women diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder have serious passive-aggressive issues.  Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder used to be included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as its own diagnosis; there is ongoing debate about re-introducing this diagnosis into the DSM.  People with passive aggressive personality disorder are insufferable & totally impossible to be around.  They can make you crazy with THEIR crazy.  I think it belongs back in the DSM as a diagnostic category.  Eech!

  8. Well, I describe myself as a submissive woman but it's only to one my husband...For me, submission is not a bad thing when it's with the right person. I'm confident that my man respects my wishes & doesn't abuse my being submissive to him. We let each other know at the beginning what we wanted our relationship to be like & it's taken its course since then...but in my opinion, as a submissive woman, I don't have a negative opinion on them unless they allow their men to tread all over them like nothing.

  9. It depends on what you define as submissive. I like being submissive to the one that I like, and as long as it's on my will.

    If I don't have any attraction to someone, I don't have any desire to be submissive to them.

    Yeah, I won't be afraid to back down (or at least I hope not) if something dangerous happens..I can get really mad depending on the circumstance and will stand up for myself if called for.'

  10. Looks like this question is just an excuse to tell us how you got the best of your step-father.

  11. I think no woman should be submissive especially to men.

    A woman that lives in fear and doesn't stand up for herself when she knows somehting wrong is being done to her. Submission in a relationship is wrong.

  12. I think it depends on what you mean by submissive, but women who can't or won't stand up for themselves make me mad and sad.

  13. If its her choice, then it is her choice.

  14. i just think they are intimidated or afraid, it's not like i think they are babies or something

    but my dad yells at me all the time, i yell back, and then he;s just like "blah blah *threat* blah blah" and i yell right back "ok do it!"

    im not afraid of him and he knows it.

    and i have a friend that is kinda abusive to all of the friend girls (lol) he has

    im the only one that tells him too stop and yells at him, my other friends i think are just too afraid of him or something

  15. Submissive or dominate is just a personality not a gender.  Just like there are "levels" of shyness, there are levels to submissiveness.

    So just like saying I'm shy, which could mean anything from I don't like to talk in front of a large I wont talk to anyone but family.

    A submissive woman can mean anything from, she doesnt take control in the she needs someone to tell her what to wear and eat.

    What your describing isn't some much a dominate behavior its an aggressive behavior.   Dominate is like the leadership trait.

  16. My mother in my childhood was the image I see of a non physically abused submissive woman.

    mentally, emotionally, verbally abused but not physically.

    My father yelled, screamed, bullied and "ran" his family.

    For years I heard him scream "well fight back then". See she figured if he loved her he would listen to her the first time.

    However over time she learned to "fight back" but whats more she learned how to quietly control her home by a weird manipulation. My dad wanted to always be the "better" person so she upped her church involvement and so did he, even after she died he couldn't stand not having someone to compare to he kept telling us he was a better "christian than her". Which for my mother her faith was real with my father it was a way to be "better" than someone else. He was the type that makes his family run from God. If it had not been for my mother I might not have learned how to have my own relationship with God.

  17. In my opinion a submissive woman is a woman who acts accordingly to the role that she has been given/placed in in society. She allows herself to be dominated by the 'superior' male and abides by his laws, rules, and wishes. A submissive woman basically subjects herself into a slave to an ideology that deems her as weak, incapable of being independent, an original sinner, and unintelligent.

    Of course none of these are true about majority of women, but due to centuries of mental conditioning, primarily in credit to organized religion, the ideology of the submissive women have been taken up by many women themselves and in some cases, depending on society a woman is born into submission just a she is 'born a sinner.'

    So yes submission is a state of mind due to the overwhelming influence of dogmatic ideologies. All relationships should be equal, if they are to truly be happy and successful. Dominance only brings negative energy and life out of balance.

  18. I think submissive women are just as dumb as a dominant man or women. All relationships should be equal and no gender is better then the other! But if submissive women like being bossed around and seen as dirt to their man, then that's their own problem and their own fault. It's sad when their kids are dragged into though and don't get to see an equal relationship...

    That is assuming it's an abusive-submissive relationship where the women isn't being treated right.

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