
LADIES: Isn't it a HUGE turn on when a guy....????

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When a guy says if they ever saw a guy hit a girl he would beat him up right then and there? I find that a huge turn on and soo s**y and manly. I just read a question and it was one of the guys anwsers, and it turned me on, thus this question. Anyone agree with me here?




  1. That happened the other day at my school...

    this guy was about to go hit this girl and the guy in front of her stood up and was like" you have to deal with me before you hit a woman"

    i was like 'awwwwwww that's so cute!'  

    so in conclusion, yes

  2. yeah. i think its kinda sweet too.

  3. ...Eh, well if he stands up for me I guess. Not just saying it, though.

  4. nah, it sounds brave but i dont think they would do it in real life.

  5. haha i agree... makes you want to take him somewhere else later lol

  6. When my husband and I got together my husband, brother, and I were standing on my balcony and we saw this pregnant woman get hit by her boyfriend. They ran down and started chasing him. The guy grabbed a shovel out of a truck and hit my poor brother in the face. I can't say if they got any hits in but I was so proud of them b/c the are amazing. She walked away and he left. That night was crazy but she didn't get hurt. My poor brother though, had damage to his teeth.  

  7. kinda is it makes me feel all safe and stuff, but its also kinda bad, because you woudnt want him to go around and fight ppl, or get into fights

  8. It is a turn on if the guy could actually pull it off and you get the feeling he could.  If he's just saying that to get attention or I'm not sure he could pull it off then no.

  9. It's sweet, and sorta cute, but it doesn't really turn me on

    Answer mine:;...

  10. I know you were lookin for ladies answers but I thought I would throw in that I'm a guy who has actually done something about a guy hitting a girl. I was at a party one night and this guy just up and slaps his gf right in front of me. So I walked up to him, threw my arm around his neck and threw him on the ground. Then I put my foot on his neck and told him he'd better never hit another woman in front of me or I'd eff him up. There's nothing that pisses me off more.

  11. Yeah I like it, but not when its too over the top.

    read mine?;...

  12. omg guys do that all the time at my school to pick up girls and once this guy who i know thats is truthful said that and i thought it was really


    so i guess so...

  13. definetly. My boyfriend is totally protective, and I find it soo hot.

  14. haha, i read that question and had the exact same response, lol

    lov a guy who stands up for girls and treats them well, so sick of girls acting all feminist and **** and taking that oppertunity away from guys

    total turn on

  15. OH MY God Ya!

    My boyfriend accidentally gave me a bruise we were being a little to rough (LOL) and he felt so bad he said if he ever hurt me he wouldn't know what to do. I love it when he says to me when im around no one will ever hurt you and if they do they  will be the ones hurting next.

  16. I think its cute.


  17. it is pretty hot

    answer mine?:;...

  18. yea. it makes you look manly

  19. i think it's natural for all NORMAL guys to feel that way i know i do and even if the guy was huge i'd try but people don't say it just to turn on girls it's kind of an instinct.

  20. yeah......NO! i am very aggressive so i wouldnt need my man to get him...unless i couldnt do it but its not a turn on for me.  

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