
LADIES PLEASE ANSWER!! How would you react if you brought lunch?

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to your husband at his new job to find out that he works with 4 Beautiful women and he is the only male!. And to make matters worse, when you go to his job, HE HAS A BIG KOOLAIDE SMILE ON HIS FACE LIKE HE IS HAPPIER TO BE AT WORK THEN HOME. When he came home from work yesterday, he told me HIS JOB WAS THE BEST JOB THAT HE EVER HAD, AND HE IS GOING TO WORK AS MUCH OVERTIME AS POSSIBLE. Ladies, how would you react & would you be pissed if your husband was working in this type of work





  1. hmmm just because he is working with these girls doesnt mean hes sleeping with these girls. its all about how much u trust him and making sure that you are keeping him happy enough to stick with u and not care about the other girls. this may just mean u need to work twice as hard as a wife. i am not married but me and my boyfriend have a pretty stable relationship and i would not even think twice about him working with 4 gorgeous girls because i kno he wouldnt do anything or leave so it would be whatever. u may want to talk to him tho tell him how u feel communication is the secret to all good relationships and if u skip out on that it will ruin everything

  2. I AM NOT A LADY but I have to help you. How is your relationship with him? Do you all trust each other? Do you all have a strong relationship where you tell each other everything? Why are you all married? Do You all still love and care for each other? If you trust your man than you have nothing to worry about unless he gives you something to worry about. I am married and I work around many woman all day. Some of them wearing next to nothing. However, I love my wife to death and wouldnt do a thing to jeopardize our relationship, our friendship, our companionship, or our marriage.

  3. I would send him to work happy so I wouldn't have to worry about these other women. As long as your s*x life is great and you trust him to do the right thing, you shouldn't worry.

  4. I wouldn't mind because I trust my husband.  That is basically what it comes down to, whether or not you trust him.  If he is faithful then it won 't matter. Miss America contestants or 98 year old bag ladies, if he is faithful and trustworthy, you have nothing to worry about. If he isn't, it doesn't matter who he works with.

    At least he works.

  5. So he likes his job. Does this mean that he gets to have s*x with these women? So they are beautiful, does this mean that they will lay down with the first guy they work with. Come on, this isn't about him or his work, this is about your low self image. This isn't his problem its yours. You would rather he hate his job and dread going in. Perhaps he likes it because he enjoys the work, not the scenery.

  6. What a stupid question.

    You are asking for other people to justify what you feel.

    Accept what you feel as an emotion, but don't let it dictate what you do.

    He has DONE nothing wrong!!!

    This problem is all yours.

  7. as long as he is bringing home a paycheck is happy to go to work , isn't cheating and comes home to me everynight there isn't anything to get angry about.

  8. Well, it is possible that he is cheating.

    But not for sure, so for now assume that he isn't.

    Make sure you are meeting his needs in all categories so he won't have a reason to cheat.

    There may be 4 beautiful women that he is working with, but he must think you're beautiful as well, after all he did marry you!

    Just keep a watchful eye.

    I'm sure everything will be okay


  9. make sure you please him every night or morning, so he won't be tempted to get it somewhere else.

    buy a spy cam and put it in his briefcase so you hear or view what he does at work.

    haha. PSYCO me would think of something like that

  10. i think he could tell u were pissed tha he worked with a load of women now he is jus winding you up..jus take th p**s back..recommend he works as much as is humanly possible..set th alarm for 5 in th morning n send him off 2 work with a packed lunch u made earlier..that will save him th money from havin 2 buy even his own lunch..hav a laugh at his expense cos tha is all he is doin to you!

  11. I would be a little upset or even jealous that he works with some ladies, That means you need to get to work girl.. Try to work on yourself and make sure that you give him lots of attention and make friends with the people he works with.

  12. Well, I'd have a flipping fit... but you don't have to outwardly react like that.

    One of the best supports in a marriage, to keep it up and straight, is to tell your husband how you feel about this little scenario. Even if your concerns sound biased and worrisome, he needs to heard it from you.

    If you feel like you can't be honest with him and tell him whenever you feel funny about something, then you've already got a problem in the making.

    Confrontation and arguing are the hallmarks of a healthy marriage.

    Good luck!

  13. I would probably be jealous that there were beautiful women and he was the only guy, I am insecure about my self so for me it would probably bother me and if he said he was going to work as much over time as he could that would p**s me off, but I guess it comes down to trust do you trust him to be faithful to you and if so then you have to trust that he wont cheat on you, for me that would be a hard one I would hope I would be ok with it but I doubt that I would and I think I would just be upset with the whole thing but that is me

  14. I'd be alittle mad. But talk to him about it. Ask him, do you really like this job just for those 4 women or what?? Seriously ask! It will make you feel better. Im 14. and me and my boyfriend are going to start high school in different schools. So he's going to be around 200 beautiful girls. So all you have is 4! Be happy and honest. Best of Luck!

  15. personally if there's a lot of trust, i'll be happy for him that he found a great place to work, but hopefully he doesn't say "I'M WORKING WITH 4 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN"

    but other wise, if he's had any cheating history, i would be a little insecure.

  16. No, not really.  But I would want to know why he wanted as much overtime as possible when he has a wife at home.  Scupper him.  Make friends with the four beautiful women silly and play him at his own game.

    Send them in some nice things for lunch.

    Ask one of them if they want to GO OUT to lunch with you and leave the husband in the office.

    Drop by in the evening if he is working late and leave him something nice to eat, chat to the girls for a while and then leave - dont hang about.

    The trick is not to look like you are jealous.  The secret is to look like you are a lovely person who they want to know.

    If they make remarks about him and mothering him and all that, laugh and say things like 'greedy boy!'  Make a joke, laugh it off and once you are friends with them, we'll see how much overtime he wants to do then.  If you are a presence they will say to him if he oversteps the mark 'what about your wife?'.

    Go play the game girl.

    Send me some Koolaide will you?  Cherry flavour please.  I havent had any since I was a young girl when My uncle used to send it over from the states.

  17. Id be absolutely crazy jealous, just like you seem to be!

    talk to your husband about the fact that he seems happier and work and how THAT makes you feel & ONLY that. you can help that he works with beautiful women and if you let it get to you it could hurt your marriage. remind your self that he married you for a reason and that he has made a commitment to be faithful to you.

  18. Well a job is a job, im sure he didnt ask to work with all those ladies. You cant really get mad at him for that, kind of silly!

    But if your really worried just talk to him. Hes your husband, he loves you. Your allowed to communicate! Just let him know that your a little worried about all the female attention he is getting. And youd rather him spend his time at home with you then working overtime!!

  19. I know how you feel, my husband is a nurse and use to work with  mostly women and many young and pretty.   He changes jobs just  before we had our first child baby and felt very insecure . so what I did was get to be friends with these women. I invited them to the house and became friends with them. It worked for me.

  20. It would be hard not to be jealous/ pissed, but if you really trust him, then there should be nothing to worry about. I recently had someone that works with my fiance tell my best friend that she can't stop fantasizing about him. I was worried, but you have to realize, your guy chose you for a reason. It will be hard, but try not to worry.

  21. I suppose it would p**s me off a bit yes, but I would try and rise above it all. He is making good money so I would have regular hair dos, fake tan, new clothes and be hot in the bedroom, he'd be to tired for anyone else!

  22. i really don't know.

    i don't think my fiance would ever cheat on me.

    my fiance works at night at clubs and bars, while in a band.  he also does gigs w/ "shot girls" and dancer. i'm not jealous.

    so...i guess it depends on your hsuband. has he ever cheated before?

  23. I'd be pretty upset if my husband would rather be at work than at home.

    especially if he worked with mainly pretty women.

  24. I'd get really friendly with the girls in his office! Start coming in all the time and talk to them. Dish with them about their boyfriends/husbands and do the same about yours. Invite them out to girls night with you and your friends.  The better friends they are with you, the more its gonna shut down any plans your husband has for doing something behind your back!

  25. my husband wouldn't do that. he works overtime, but doesn't really liek his coworkers like that. his overtime is reflected in his check.

  26. I would worry a bit, but not so much that I would drive him to love going to work more than he already does!!! Chill until you can suspect something isnt right. I would hate for someone to tell me this, but you arent the ONLY beautiful woman in the world or to catch your husbands eye. Be confident!

  27. I would be happy for him in a way but very cautious as well.  Send him off to work almost every morning with a reason to remember you all day long...if you know what I mean.  Don't let him engage in any thought of "being with" the other women.  He should only have the hots for you so you have to work harder to make it that way.

  28. what the heck is his job? A barber? Well, yeah, i'd be pretty pissed too if my HUSBAND said that he was going to work overtime as much as possible! That jerk! Maybe you should confront him about it. But if you do, don't sound too crazy obsessive.

  29. I would be more upset at his inesensitivity than at the environment.  Obviously this is bothering you and he is playing that to the hilt.  Reacting is only feeding his already overblown ego.

  30. i would first stop bringing lunch to him.

    then id stop making him dinner.

    then i'd buy a cot and place it in the living room and lock the bedroom door at night.

    just know, if hes faithful and all... he isnt getting anything but looks at em and sure, they may be prettier than you (i dont know, thats just why i im guesisng you posted this question)

    he chose you.

    and if he f(*&()^ around,,,,

    kill some b!t72es

    and killa N!66@

    much luck...


  31. yes i would be kinda upset. i would say, wouldn't you rather spend time with your wife than spending time AT WORK? yeah i would be pissed actually just because of the working as much overtime as possible and the fact that he seems happier at work than at home. actually i wouldn't be pissed, i'd be kind of sad :(

    PS: even if you DO trust him i really don't think that matters.. my feelings would still be hurt just because he'd rather spend time at work than spend time with me :(

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