
LADIES PLEASE ANSWER!! My husband told me that he wanted this Erotic Fantasy: He?

by  |  earlier

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wants me to get completely nude in front of him, while he is sitting in his big chair, fully clothed, and wants me to say this to him, looking him straight in the eye, with no laughter: "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Without you, I would be nothing. I can't imagine my life without you. PLEASE MAKE LOVE TO ME!!!" How would you react if your husband wanted this type of fantasy & would you do it. (btw, he told me that he would be really hurt, if I did not take it seriously)




  1. Sounds a bit insecure to me too and needs some reassurance from you. We all know the truth and your the best thing that has happened to him and he would be nothing without you, so do it and play his fantasy game.  

  2. it's not hurting anyone. i would just do it. my husband and i often act out eachothers fantasies. what your husband is asking is quite PG rated if you ask me!

  3. that's not a big deal. just do it. he'll be happy.

    I wish that my hubby's request were so tame. His usually starts with, "Babe, get the handcuffs...."

  4. Hey he is your husband and its ok to let his fantasy come true. (JUST LET HIM KNOW IT IS FANTASY). Before you do it tell him your doing this because you love him and that its only fantasy and this shouldn't change the way he treats you. Because if it does tell him the next time you two have s*x. He'll be 93 and on a respirator. Good luck have fun.  

  5. Just do it  

  6. Sound insecure to me?  What's the harm?  It's fantasy!  Do it, see what happens.

  7. Smile and say ok me first>

  8. Why ever in the world are you freaking out over this???  He just wants to feel appreciated and desired!  That's totally normal.  If he wanted you to dress him up in diapers and pee and p**p on him, then you should freak out.  But all he wants is a very normal thing, he just wants to feel that you appreciate him and love him and that you desire him.  Just do it.

  9. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.  But it's not me that is being asked to do it.  If you are comfortable doing it just go for it and have some fun.  If you aren't comfortable doing it just tell him and explain to him how hurt you will be if he doesn't try to understand your feelings.  Then the two of you come up with a fantasy the both of you can live with.

  10. Why not????


  11. I am a guy, but felt that I should answer, Go for it and do it. You might like it.

  12. sounds a bit demeaning to me, but if it's role playing  who cares

  13. I would totally do it. If he has the balls to ask for it, then I have the balls to do it!!

  14. do it!

    what will it hurt?

  15. Sounds weird to me like he is insecure but is it really hurting anyone?  Just do it and make him happy.

  16. well he just wants the typical fantasy of a girl dying and craving and begging for him ....

    theres nothing wrong with that

    spice it up and use some dirty language and ull totally have him on his toes ;)

  17. It's a flippin' FANTASY!!  Indulge him for crying out loud.

    Be his fantasy woman!!

  18. Another repeated question! This is 2 in a row. Must be a boring Saturday night out there!

    Here's your answer:

    Fantasy by definition is something that you imagine not necessarily something that you must do. Tell him he should keep imagining!

  19. oh my god, what's the big deal, i've masturbated in front of my husband and he told me to shove things inside of me

    He want you to act like you desire him greatly and he watns you to be his submissive s**t

  20. hi babe  well i hope you don't mind me replying to you email but i would simply say to you, Do it for your husband my husband makes me strip and  get on all fours whist i beg him not to spank me i enjoy it and i thihk it adds a real good spark to the relationship.

  21. There's nothing wrong with that. Maybe he just needs reassurance. I would love to do it if only I had someone to do that to. Just make sure that you mean what you say. Tell him that you'll wait for the right time when you're horny and feeling a little kinky. Good luck.. :)

  22. Maybe he just doesn't feel that the things he does are completely appreciated and this would be his "way" of feeling adequate.

    I might do it... I would have to think about if it makes me feel inadequate.... if it is a one time thing then maybe.  What's it gonna hurt?  Then he owes you a fantasy! = )

  23. do it!!!

  24. First of all, I would ask him why he wants you to do this. Something must be up. Maybe he's testing your love for him. You should definitely consider talking to him about it first.

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