
LADIES... would you live Life DIFFERENTLY if you had as much TIME as MEN?

by Guest59538  |  earlier

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-Settle down

-Play around

-Have kids


-Start a career

-Be considered 'attractive'

-Get married


Of course there are exceptions here and there, but generally speaking, men have more time to do all of these things than women. At least 10 to 20 more years depending on the situation.

Would you women live life differently if you had the "time" men have?

Men can give their 2 cents as well...

NOTE: The fact that women out-live men by 5 years on average is irrelevant to this question (CLEARLY). When I say "more time" I mean "fun" time, not "life" time... FYI




  1. If alot of woman lived their lives differently alot of men wouldn't have as much time on their hands because they would be doing what the woman weren't.You don't understand that there are woman that enjoy taking care of their man and house!!

  2. Women make the choice to spend their time how they want just like men. I don't get the question.

  3. I know the asker thinks his question makes sense but I'm not sure what it means.   SLS????

  4. nope.  We do all of these things so fast because we are better at managing our time.  I love me the way I am and if I die tomorrow I know that I have done what I can.

  5. Though I have my sad times; the one thing I am not is miserable.  There is always a season for everything; meaning I cry when it is the season to cry; laugh when it's the season to laugh. So on and so forth.

  6. For many of us, life got better when we had kids.

    Statistically, the men who remain single and "play around" after the age of 35 are more likely to suffer from stress related disorders, emotional problems and  substance abuse

    Not every single middle aged guy can be George Clooney.

  7. actually i wouldn't do anything different and i mean that. i like who i am and the fun that i'm having is great whether shortened or not. i just make the best of it cuz we all don't know how much time we have. two years ago i realized not to take anything for granted. my brother has 4th stage melanoma and watching him fight for his life has made me think like no tomorrow

  8. No, I'd do it just the same. But then I don't intend on getting married or having kids.

    Lots of women have kids in their late thirties these days and most men don't want kids past 40, so it's not all that unequal. Those of my friends that have started families are pretty much the same age and have followed similar life paths, male or female.

    I've never heard a woman (in real life anyway, not some troll here) say "I need to find a husband while I'm young and pretty". I know men that are attracted to older women (one is in a committed relationship with a woman several years older), and for those that don't want kids it's a bonus if the woman doesn't either. Not all men are only attracted to 20 year olds you know.

  9. Should I have burritos or pizza for dinner....?

    But to answer your inane and hateful question:

    Please explain the part about starting a career. I did not know men and women were on different time tables for this. As for the part about being attractive, I know you have a thing for old dudes, Mike, but most people would agree there are plenty of attractive older women.

    As for the settling down, getting married, and having kids part, of course we all know women have a different biological clock as men (and men do have one, and no, they do not produce quality sperm into old age). Women are on a tighter schedule than men if they choose to become wives and mothers, but in the industrialized world, the ages in which men and women marry and have children is relatively the same, usually with only a 1 or 2 year difference. Although men are physically more able to become a parent later in life, it seems most choose not to and follow similar schedules as women. So even though men have more biological time, it seems they choose not to take advantage of it.

    Also, I bet most people who are parents would firmly challenge your notion of what "fun time" is.

  10. I wouldn't do anything differently. I'm not a table-dancing, club going, drink all night, random s*x with strangers, career obsessed kind of person.

    I went to college. I got my masters. I have a career I LOVE. I got married young. I had a few years with my husband to travel, have random s*x all over the house, go out whenever we want, etc. and now we are soon to have our first kids and we're both in agreement that life doesn't get much better than it is now.

    I don't need more "time" to go out and do these things and I never wanted more time. I have my family, my friends, my home, my career, my life so to me there isn't anything better than this.

  11. Never have regretted any experience I have ever encountered.  Lived differently?  I wish as a child I did, but into adulthood was my turn.  Yes, I experienced divorce, and its was hard because I knew no one who was divorced and who could give me calming advice.  But I survived, and I have done just about everything on your list so far.  So no, my choices have been well defined and I steered them that because thats how I envisioned it.   Not many folks can say this about themselves.

  12. If I had more time in LIFE to do whatever I wanted...hmm...I'd probably surf more.

    Yep. That'd make me happy.

    Granted, I'd also need more gas so I can drive my *** to the beach....can I have two things Mikey?

  13. Well... I'm thirty and not married yet, I work, I'm doing degree studies, so probably I would be doing exactly the same as man, because my best friend who is one year older than me and who I know since we were 5, is doing exactly the same as me.

    I think which what would be different is all people around wondering why I'm not married and trying to put on my lips the idea that I'm desperate to settle down.

  14. No. Why should I have every aspect of my life scheduled to the year? Besides, I've already started my career; I have no interest in getting married or having kids; I can play around as long as I want, just in different ways; everyone will always be considered attractive by someone, popular (and your) opinion be damned; and dating for a long time is the least of my priorities.

    EDIT: Soooo . . . what? What does that have to do with anything?

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