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Ok so sometime in the last few years i recorded a tv show that was about the Landing on the moon supposadly being fake. They did a very good job pointing out and proving that it was "staged". i had it on video, and have since then lost it and havnt seen it on tv since. i really need this vide. anyone know what it is or where i could find it? im not sure what channel it was on or what it was called.




  1. Make sure you/your teacher look at the new episode of Mythbusters (it was on last night) - which busts ALL those hoax "theories".

    Some of it is already available on the Discovery channel's website.

    And - like Brant said - we are used to people who do believe the hoax stuff - so we can get a little zealous at times...

  2. Why not instead go and read about the reality of the moon landings, instead of this ignorant stuff.

    The reason so many people believe this stuff is because when you don’t know anything, anyone with a teensy bit of knowledge can fool you.  For instance:

    One of the Fox video’s “proofs” was there were no stars in the sky in the pictures.  This alone should tell you to give this garbage a wide berth.  It is not even photography 101.  There are no stars in the sky when you see footage of men space-walking out of the Space Station, for heaven’s sake.  The cameras are shut down because of the glare, and are unable to pick up small points of light like the stars.

    Fact is a 10 year old with an interest in photography will know this.

    But go ahead, get the video and show us all how ignorant you are.

    (Jeez, I thought we had shot this to pieces a long time ago)

  3. Hey, Nugget - folks here aren't a__ holes... It's just that this topic is to us like getting slapped on the back when you have a sunburn.... If it's asked by someone that's apparently been duped by the hoaxsters, then a good bit of the irritation you see from us is not because of the asker (at least on my part) as much as it is disgust at what these liars have done - getting people to believe such c**p.

    If you look at most of the people's answer history who have responded so far, you'll see that they give helpful, insightful answers to questions not about Apollo hoax / 2012 / UFOs / big bang "r" stuupud. / etc. It's just when we see those questions 5 times a day, we get irritated just as you might if a "cute" raccoon kept knocking your garbage over every single night for months on end. He wouldn't be so cute anymore eh?

    Anyway, others linked the vid for ya, but I just wanted to plead our case for not being a**holes.

  4. Okay, shhhh.  Don't get all upset.  People here are proud of the Apollo achievement and you have to understand that we might be a little trigger happy because of the large number of moon hoax nuts we get here.

    Be nice to your teacher and considerate to your classmates by NOT helping him get it. There will probably be few, if any, people in the class with any knowledge which would be useful in evaluating the film.  

    By the way, Sibrel did not do a good job.  In some cases he even cheated in order to strengthen his claims.  Virtually every objection he and his quack "experts" make is utter bunk.  Yep, every single one, believe it or not.  You might find the Clavius site interesting.  Now *that* is a good job, as you will see.  Even if you believe we went, it's always good to have the proofs to back you up.  If the film is ever shown in your class, you can pick it apart point by point and show how utterly bogus it is.

  5. Free online at the sources, in 5 parts.

    It was on Fox. And it was loaded with bad science, false claims and no truth.

  6. Well, you have to admit that your initial question, in which you said the program "did a very good job pointing out and proving that it was 'staged'," is bound to give people the impression that you agreed with its content.

    The program was called "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On the Moon?" produced by Nash Entertainment for Fox.  It can be found on YouTube in pieces, if you look hard.  Bruce Nash doesn't really hand it out much because it gave him a black eye.  Nash is the creator of such successful documentary series as "Modern Marvels," and ended up alienating a lot of his would-be clients with the program.  It turned out to be little more than a 48-minute commercial for profiteering conspiracy theorists.

    Fox aired it twice and then pulled it after Fox affiliates complained to the network management that they were being deluged by complaints and rebuttals.  According to executive producer Mark Gray of Spacecraft Films, Fox Home Entertainment now distributes SF's materials partly in penance for having aired the program.

  7. Yeah, it was on fox. Here you go, read all about it:

  8. It was on Fox.  I used to have a copy, but I lost it years ago - I tried to buy one a couple of years ago, and it wasn't available.  I ended up borrowing one from someone to show my high school level astronomy students - they debunked the whole thing in no time.  I was so proud.

  9. Sorry, but I only give links to documentaries that actually use scientific evidence and not a bunch of garbage kids come up with when playing in a sandbox of ignorance. You could probably find it at the checkout counter of your local grocery store. I watched the Fox documentary, and their theories do nothing to show it was faked.

  10. gave you a star-interesting- follow those links for footage-this conversation brought back memories-i was 8 yrs old when we landed on moon-for years i listened to folks say we never did it-grew up with the arms race against russia-i say we landed on moon BUT would never put it past our government trying a hoax

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