
LAPTOPS?? 10 points?

by Guest65798  |  earlier

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Is there any difference besides price between dell laptops and acer laptops. Are acer laptops just as good?




  1. acers are better, dells are made cheap from the cheapest parts,and have bad design except lid

  2. Don't worry so much about the brand as you do the components.

    Almighty then. lol

    If you’re buying a laptop, there are a few things to consider.

    1. The processor. Most, if not every decent laptop in today's market has dual-core technology. This means that it has two processors working as one to compute information. Now, what's the difference between speeds? In all reality, for a common user (that is not a hard-core computer geek like some of us), the difference between 1.8GHz and 2.0GHz is negligible. The only areas you will be able to notice will be in gaming, and video encoding.

    2. The memory. If the OS (Operating System) is a "32-bit" then it can only read approximately 3 GB of RAM. Only the "64-bit" processors can understand 4+ GB of RAM. RAM is what the computer uses to store temporary information, like open programs (internet, word processing, music players, etc...). A general rule of thumb is that the more RAM, the faster the computer will load programs/files to a point (as with everything). An industry standard nowadays is around 3 GB. The faster the "clock speed" of the ram (the higher the PC xxxx), the higher quality the RAM.

    3. Hard Drive space is what you store the more permanent information on - word files, music, videos, programs, etc....If you have an extensive music library (5000+ songs (legal songs)), then you should be looking at a computer with at least 250GB (1 GB = 1 Billion Bytes). If you don't really need all that space, then a laptop with 160+ GB of Hard Drive space would suffice.

    4. Graphics Processor!!! If you will not be watching many DVD's or playing any games, then you can settle for an integrated video processor such as the INTEL X3100. If you want the security of being able to play the occasional 3D game, then I would recommend a dedicated graphics card with dedicated memory (256MB or 512MB). You can check whether or not the card is integrated by going to ""

    5. Most laptops now feature DVD/CD Burners. Some offer a built in feature known as "Lableflash or Lightscribe." This will allow you to "etch" images on special CD/DVD's. It makes the finished CD/DVD look more professional.

    6. Price Comparison. Expect to spend $550+ for a decent laptop nowadays. You can sometimes (or during really good sales) find ones cheaper around $450.

  3. Where I work, we sell both Dell and Acer laptops.  I've found Dell laptop cases to be more sturdier than Acer.  The Acer's I've dealt with seem to have flimsier cases.  As far as internals go, almost all companies offer very similar parts that its hard to say who offers the best built in components of all laptops.  As far as case design goes however, Dell seems sturdier.


  5. Dell has been a great company to buy computers from and I personally have a dell but sometimes it can get overpriced. Acer i would not recommend. sure it's more affordable but you get what you pay for. As much as I like Dell, try take a look at HP. I've never had one but I've heard they are pretty good for the money. Hope that somewhat helps!
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