
LATE Question -- What Started the Georgia v Russia Stuff?

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Please forgive me of my ignorance, but this has been a story for so long --

That I NEVER Caught the Word on How It Started ??

Would someone be kind enough to give me a Brief or Sequence of Events.

Thanks So Much :)





  1. South Oshechia (sp?) wanted to become independent of goegia due to the high amount of russians there. but georgia wouldnt but the US nor Georgia would recognize their independence. russia did however. so Russia decided to invade georgia. Georgia was stupid enough to not surrender so goergia got their asses kicked then russia says they'll pull out but they have yet to do so

  2. From what I belive happened and I will edit later,Georgia invaded a province of Russia's under the assumption that the US would back them up. Well seeing how the US is already spread thin fighting terrorism (LMFAO) we couldnt support them. Russia fought back and invaded Georgia

    EDIT-unitedcats2004 said it=)

  3. seems that you've got most of what I knew as info. But what I wanted to say was wasn't it great when the Georgian Women's Beach Volleyball beat Russia the day after Russia broke the cease fire? That was nice. Some small little victory for them. But hopefully it put a smile on their faces for at least short time.

  4. It's not that complicated. When the Soviet Union collapsed many parts of the Soviet Union declared independence and became new nations. Georgia was one of these new nations. However, two parts of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, voted against leaving Russia and declared their independence from Georgia shortly after Georgia left the Soviet Union. Russia supported their efforts, granting citizenship to anyone in Abkhazia or South Ossetia that wanted to be Russian citizens. And, with some violence and ethic cleansing by all parties, Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been defacto independent countries since 1991 or so.

    A few years ago a pro-American Georgian government determined to keep Abkhazia and South Ossetia as part of Georgia came to power, and they were heavily armed and encouraged by the USA. Tensions increased and there were violent acts by all sides, Georgian, Ossetian, and Abkhazian. On August 7 this year Georgia, under cover of the Olympics and a recently declared cease fire, launched a full scale attack on the capital of South Ossetia.

    The Russians came to the defence of South Ossetia almost immediately, and the Georgian army was driven out of South Ossetia (Russia has more tanks than Georgia has soldiers, no contest.) Then Russia proceeded to occupy small but strategically significant parts of Georgia. The Georgians agreed to a cease fire, the USA made all sorts of noise and threats, the Russians basically said "talk to the hand." The Russians have now pulled out of most of Georgia proper, but have made it clear that if Abkhazia and South Ossetia want to be independent or part of Russia, Russia will stand by them.

    And there's no doubt that the ethnic Abkhazians and South Ossetians would overwhelmingly prefer to be part of Russia, but there's a lot of ethnic Georgians living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia who want to be part of Georgia! What a mess, nu?

    I've blogged about this extensively: etc

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