
LATE period, but negative tests....?

by  |  earlier

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I was due for my period on the 30th of August. I had some cramping in the afternoon on the 30th and figured that it was coming. But then the cramping stopped and I have been completely symptom free for days now. My periods are always regular. Not that it would be the end of the world if I were pregnant, but I have a 7 month old and was hoping to wait a while before having my next. I took a hpt on the 2nd and it showed up negative. Is it still possible to be pregnant even if you aren't 'setting off' hpt's? I'm so confused. Anyone else gone through something simular? I'm just looking for some advice I guess. Thanks for your input.




  1. If you are prgnant the test wont say positive until 2 weeks after your missed period. If youve been stressing alot lately it may throw off your cycle.

  2. I would wait a week and take a test. Periods can be sneaky but pregnancies usually are not.

  3. As for htp's...some people can go through an entire pregnancy and test negative.  A blood test is much more accurate.  The best advice is to do another test in a week.  Do it in the morning.  Your first urine output is more concentrated so the pregnancy hormone that the test is looking for will be easier for the test to pick up.  If still no positive result or period, see you ob/gyn.  Since you are so regular there's probably a reason for your missed period.

  4. HPTs are pretty accurate, but you could have a blood test done at your doctor's to be sure.  I skipped a period six months ago for no apparent reason, so don't worry too much.  Your hormones may be a little different now, so your periods may not be quite so regular.

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