
LB search elle woods.....anyone else think...Emma Zaks...?

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you know how that other episode where they were singing at the gym and everyone felt sorry for Emma because it was hard for her because she was a smoker?

Well did anyone else think


or when she got bronchitis? its her own fault!




  1. She was having trouble because she QUIT smoking!  When you quit smoking, all the buildup of tar and nastiness starts to break up in your lungs so your body can get rid of it, and it makes breathing difficult for a while, ESPECIALLY while singing.  

    She chose to quit smoking so that her voice would improve...she's trying to better herself as a performer, and the coughing is part of the 'recovery'...smoking is an addiction, after all.  Not to mention their hectic schedule and constant rehearsing...a few of them are bound to get sick.  They'll get used to it.

    She still rocked that audition.  She didn't try use being sick as an excuse to get out of anything.  She wasn't one of my favorites in the beginning, but anyone who can pull of a performance like that while sick earns BIG points with me.  Her and Rhiannon (sp?) are my favorites now.

  2. i think emma used smoking as an excuse for everything.

    it was annoying. im sitting here like 'hun shutup your fault, and you should of never have done this' i hated at the end when she left how she called bailey and lauren and rhiannon kids.

    wow shes 26! shes old for the business.

  3. I say kudos to her for quitting smoking for this audition process!  That shows guts and that she really wants it.  with all the stresses of the competition plus the health problems that come with quitting, most people would cave in that situation but she is sticking with it.  you can tell her career is number one and i admire that.  plus she kicked *** performing even with the illness.  her singing and acting skills outshine most of the girls.  and quitting smoking aint easy, ask anyone... thats why most people cant/dont... but emma is!  go her! she deserves more credit than criticism, thats for sure

  4. I think Emma was all wrong to play Elle, sans smoking, sans bronchitis, she was just wrong, wrong, wrong for the part. Quitting smoking is ridiculously hard, and yes it's bad to ever start, but it happens... I echo what others said, it's great that she quit. I hear you that she wasn't right for the part. I feel that Autumn is super talented but not right for the part in my eyes either; I feel like she would be more suited for something like a lead in Wicked or Hairspray. Lauren is also great, and I think she could nail Elle Woods at CULA, but not Elle Woods, Valedictorian of Harvard. I like Bailey. That was probably more than you wanted to know, but I love this show, so sorry for all the babble!

  5. Yes I do agree with you in some aspects...Yeah she should have known growing up if she wanted to be on Broadway she shouldn't have picked up smoking.But I do respect her for trying to quit. She was one of my least favorites on theow anyway I didn't care if she left or not!

    lol I'm rooting for the blondes!! MOSTLY Rhiannon

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