
LCD or DLP for gaming?? Please help!?

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Ok so we are buying a new TV tomorrow, Looking at 2, the Polaroid LCD 46" (cost, $1146)..1080p with ratio 1000:1, and the Samsung DLP with LED bulbs (which are warrantied for life) 50" (cost, $989, for the floor model, it retails at $1199).

1080p with a ratio of 10000:1. My boyfriend is a gamer, and loves his PS3, which TV would be best? I've read so many reviews, on both tv's individually, but have no gaming perspective on it.....What do you think?





  1. Well, normally if you were comparing two tvs of the same brand (lets say samsung)....between a DLP and LCD for gaming, it would definately be an LCD. Although PROJECTION LCDs burn in (hard to even find these in stores anymore) flat panel LCDs do not have this issue, and provide a much BRIGHTER picture than a DLP. But theres no reason to get that Polaroid. It's a very cheap manufactured tv, very low end, and the fact that a 46" screen has a 1000:1 contrast ratio is HORRIBLE. In this case, go with the DLP, it will provide you with a better picture and will last a lot longer than the Polaroid. Hope This helps.

  2. Samsung all the way. I agree with the other answers do not get the Polaroid. You will LOVE the Samsung TV. I own a Samsung and Toshiba DLP TV (both 1080p same ratrio). They are beautiful for gaming and I have the old school game cube hooked up to one of them. I think you will be quite satisfied with the Samsung.

  3. I work at Best Buy. I'm not saying I'm a genius but I have been doing this for several years.

    Samsung is a great name for TV and anything else electronics for that matter.


    A 1000:1 contrast ratio is not enough for a 32" so don't think its too special for a tv bigger.

    Have a good look over and make sure there is nothing wrong with the floor display and get that one.   You will be much happier!

    Trust me!

  4. DO NOT Get the Polaroid....

    Get the Samsung !

    Those off brand units like polaroid do not have a long life, but Samsung does.

    Especially since it's a DLP.....burnproof, but the LCD projection units can burn with gamers.....

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