
LCD or Plasma. Cant decide can anyone help?

by Guest33888  |  earlier

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LCD or Plasma. Cant decide can anyone help?




  1. I have been looking into this one myself and it looks as if you should go plasma for 40 inches plus, lcd for less - fast moving sports seems to be dealt with more smoothly on plasma as well - but both will still be good.

    Make sure you get 1080p if you buy the lcd.

  2. LCD defiantly.!!!!

  3. LCD up to 42", Plasma for 42" and larger.

    Plasma costs more to run, runs hotter but IMO has more vivid colour and better viewing angles.

    People say that plasmas get burn in but I have had mine three years and it is fine.  Most including mine use a screen saver which moves the whole image a few pixels every 5mins so even static images get moved.  

    I have a Phillips 26" LCD and a Hitachi 42" plasma and the plasma has a far better image quality.  The LCD is worse than an old CRT TV.

    It terms of brand, Samsung are pretty much the best brand at the moment but Panasonic and Pioneer are also good.  Stay away from Sony as they just rebrand other manufacture's panels but charge you a premium for the Sony name.

  4. LCD: Lower power consumption, less chance for screen burn, lower cost repairs

    Plasma: Higher power consumption, run a lot hotter, expensive to have repairs done.

    The pictures are very comparable, so I am not sure why anyone would choose plasma over LCD other than Plasma's tend to cost just a little less.

  5. I have been looking at these flat panel TVs for years now. I will buy a plasma. Either a Panasonic or a Pioneer.

    The Pioneer Kuro plasma is only 720p but it has been reviewed to have a better picture than any other LCD at 1080p even. It is better than most other Plasmas also. Panasonic is the only one who comes close to Pioneer.

    To be honest I have still not found a new TV technology that can compete with my CRT based rear projection HDTV. plasma is the only thing that comes close and DLP is a joke.

    The only complaint I have with my TV is that it is a tank.

  6. I would firstly check whether your choice is either an Interlaced model or a Progressive scan type. Progressive being the better option and more expensive. HD Television pictures are shot in the progressive mode more often than not so why not emulate the original source. It also comes down to your choice of viewing in so much as if you are an avid DVD watcher then Plasma is the better option.

  7. LCD it is suposed to be much better also it's more new age so it must be better look for picture quality .

  8. Plasma has a great picture, better than LCDs.  The problem with most LCDs is the contrast.  Also if you buy a big LCD make sure it's 1080p.  With a plasma it could be 720p and still look great.  But plasmas use a LOT of power so expect a high electric bill.  They also get dimmer over time so a year from now, your plasma won't look as great as when you first bought it.  If I were you, I'd buy an LCD.  Preferably one with a high contrast ratio.

  9. if your going to have a game system hooked up to it the lcd is the better choice due to burn in. Both have thier pros an cons, two things to look for are 1080p and 120hz refesh rate.

  10. They have both advanced so much recently that I don't know if there is a clear winner - maybe I give the edge to LCD just because it probably will last longer (plasma gets dimmer as time goes on and the gases get used up).  It really comes down to price and the size screen you are looking for.

  11. lcd has the best quality picture. they last longer too :-)

  12. Plasma TVs have been around longer than LCD TVs, and their technology is a little further along. Plasma screens use a phosphor coating like tube TVs, so they have the natural color we're used to with tube models. Plasmas have better contrast and black level performance than LCDs, and offer slightly wider viewing angles. People often describe plasma's picture quality as richer or more "cinematic," so it's a great choice for a home theater, or your main TV.

    A plasma TV might be for you if:

    -You want really rich, warm colors and deep blacks.

    -You'll be sitting at an angle when you watch TV or movies.

    -You don't watch a lot of TV shows or play lots of video games with static images on the screen for more than a few hours at a time.

    -Your viewing room doesn't have a lot of ambient light, or you can easily reduce the light by closing the blinds, for example.

    If you're looking at screen sizes under 40", LCD is your only flat-panel choice. LCD looks great in a kitchen or any other room with bright lighting. LCD displays are better at resisting glare from sunlight or room lights, and they're very bright (brighter even than plasmas). Its total immunity to screen burn-in makes LCD an ideal choice if your viewing includes frequent computer or video game use. And if you leave your TV on for hours at a time tuned to a news or sports channel with a scrolling "ticker," LCD would be a safer TV choice.

    A flat-panel LCD TV might be for you if:

    -You watch a lot of TV shows or play lots of video games with static images on the screen for extended periods of time, multiple days a week.

    -Your TV room is relatively bright, or you do a lot of daytime viewing.

    -There are many more 1080p LCD models than plasma — that's the highest resolution currently available, so you'll see a very sharp, detailed picture.

    -LCD TVs are usually more energy efficient than plasma models of the same size.

    (FYI -Display panel life for both types is now up to about 60,000hrs, thats about 7 years of constant viewing)

  13. Under 40" then go for LCD over then g for Plasma.Plasma`s do tend to leak after a few years where as the LCD needs a back bulb at around 10yrs.

  14. LCD for sure! my boyfriend is into that stuff and he always tells me they r better :)

  15. Go with LCD.  Plasma is highly susceptible to burn in, meaning if you watch a lot of TV with logos (ESPN, USA Network, Food Network) that displays the logo for the entire duration of the program, you'll be stuck with a faint vision of that logo on your TV screen forever.  Same with video games -- if you do a lot of gaming, you'll want an LCD to avoid burn in.

  16. Im no audio/visual expert so I wouldnt want to advise you one way or another - one thing I would consider if I was you is that plasma TVs need to be periodically refilled with the special gases they contain - quite expensive to do so i'm told.

    Maybe look into this before making your decision.

  17. plasma T.V trust me i have one its awesome

    Crystal clear color nice sound its perfect also recommend bose

  18. LCD I would say.

    Why, more reliable on average

  19. lcd for sure ..i used to own a plasma and it used to get hot the lcd is always cool. i have a 46inch lcd sharp aquos 1080p and its superb

  20. th biggest difference between the 2 sets is that over time with plasma, the images on the TV will burn into the screen screen that will never happen on a LCD that reason along i would not buy a Plasma, i do not want a year down the line to have my set off but still see images burned ino the screen and no way to get rid of them

  21. LCD 1080p, ATSC, HDMI........make sure it's loaded so it will keep up with the new technology.

  22. Plasma is miles better than Liquid Crystal display as it 'creates' rather than 'projects' image onto the screen if you look at a LCD from the side you will know what i am talking about LCDS go dark at certain angle but Plasma is the same at all angles

    Plasma have miles better contrast ratios always topping 1000:1 while most LCD barely achieve this

    Plasma often create near 20 million colours while LCD rely on a lighting technology to create half there shades for them

    there are minor advantages for LCD such as power consuption, ghosting, air pressure, screen burn but they are not realistic comparisons unless you are going to keep the plasma in a airplane or for 10-15 years or if you are going to keep the screen on non-stop for +50hours.

    the rest is up to you LCDs have come along way especially with the newer HD LCD screens but there is a reason why Plasma is so expensive compared to LCD. i have both although the LCD is from  a reputable company (sony) the Plasma is definately better.

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