
LDS / Mormon: Can you believe in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants without the Pearl of Great Price?

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This video is 1 hour long so don't watch it if you don't have time. Honestly I think a lot of LDS will decide to not watch it. But for those of you who do, can you tell me if you think it was fair or not.

Also what's your personal beliefs about the translation of the Book of Abraham?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. The truth that I seek is in finding what this has to do with hockey.

    In the meantime, God tells me you should learn how to spell. It seems you meant to say LSD and Moron.

  2. Somebody once asked me:

    "What's the definition of a mormon? A follower of a rural rube that listened to a talking white salamander that told him where to dig to find golden tablets inscribed with gibberish that he would only be abloe to read while wearing magic glasses."

    I answered:

    What's the definition of Christian? A follower of an illegitimate carpenter who was so incompetent at preaching peace that they nailed him to a stick. And don't forget Moses, who talked to a burning bush, and received tablets that nobody can read because they seem to have been misplaced. Oh yeah, the carpenter rose from the dead, too, and walked on water.

    How is one any more ridiculous than the other?  

  3. The community of Christ (RLDS) has the Joseph smith translation KJV Bible and the Book of Mormon and they survivied on that, I am not sure if they have the D and C.  

  4. After watching the first few minutes, I can tell where it's going.

    The "historical" flashbacks are very inaccurate. The papyri that we have of Joseph Smith's that he translated from is only a patch on what Joseph Smith had to translate from. The "historical" film clip shows a few people crowded around a small table, supposedly looking at the papyri, but, from written journals of those who actually saw the papyri, they filled a couple three rooms. He had a LOT. And when the church first obtained the papyri that it has, they said right off, that what we have is not EVEN what Joseph Smith used, except for the first facsimile. So, those who claim that the Book of Abraham came from the small bit of papyri that the church has today are wrong. WE know that they are right in that the Book of Abraham was NOT translated from the papyri we now have; it's some sort of funerary book. But, they are WRONG when they say that THIS papyri is where he got the translation of the book of Abraham.

    Hope that clears it up

  5. I believe it doesn't have anything to do with hockey.

  6. As pointed out above, there are sects of Mormonism that do not make use of the Pearl of Great Price already.  This stems from the fact that some of the sects were created due to a belief that Joseph was a fallen prophet, so they could pick and choose what to use, dismissing the rest as coming after he fell.

    That said, you can't really be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City sect) without believing in all three texts as Joseph being a prophet of God until the end is vital to LDS doctrines.

    I have seen the video before and didn't need to watch it again.  The things they say do not invalidate Lindsay's arguements.  People choose what they want to believe.  You have a bone to pick with the LDS church, so choose to believe this video.  I have faith in my religion and choose to accept Lindsay's and the church's explanation.

    Accepting this video as fact is similar to those that believe the supposed copies of the 116-page manuscripts that exist.  I choose not to believe those that openly hate and steal from someone.  Just as I do not trust Jerome Corsi when he writes books of hate on Obama, I do not trust anyone that is motivated by hate.

  7. Great video - I've watched the entire thing. mormons can't give up their false "Book of Abraham" because it is the first "book" written by Joseph Smith that mentions their imaginary planet/star Kolob - where their "jesus," Satin and everyone else was born. That also confirms their bizarre claim that there are many, many gods - such as "god the father," "god the mother," "jesus," and their "holy spirit." The Book of Abraham is at the core of the cult's evil religion.

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