
LDS / Mormon I'm looking for information about the man that went onstage during an LDS conference.?

by  |  earlier

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He went on stage threatening the President and others on the stage during an LDS conference. I believe he had a gun. When it happened the entire place began to sing " I am a Child of God" and then they were able to subdue this perpetrator. I've been searching and searching online for any archived news or info about the person involved. I can't find anything at all. Does anyone else remember this? And if you do can you share any documented info you have on it?




  1. another rumor.......

  2. Hm, your link wouldn't work for me.  I got this message:

    Convera CGI Reported Error

    Unable to open template error file "/www/docs/archives/rware/plus/

    No such file or directory.

    In template file: /www/docs/archives/rware/plus/cqcgi.tpt

    Line: 6

    But I do remember that Cody Judy threatened Pres. Hunter with a briefcase that he claimed had a bomb in it at a BYU fireside in the early 90's.

    Judy wanted Pres. Hunter to read a letter naming Judy as the new leader of the church.  Pres. Hunter refused.

    The audience began singing "We Thank Thee Oh God For a Prophet" and Judy was subdued by several male students from the audience and security.

    Once they took Judy away, Pres. Hunter finished his talk.

    I have a close friend that was at BYU when this happened.  Audrey was not in the Marriott Center (where it happened), but she was in one of the overflow buildings where the fireside was being broadcasted to.  She said they said they saw Judy jump onto the stage and start gesturing, then the feed was cut.  They had to wait to find out what happened later.

    Is this who you're thinking of?

  3. Hmmm.... I remember a few years ago a lady approached the prophet while he was speaking, it had just started, but she didn't get up there.

    I don't remember this happening.  Try searching on, that is the SLC news team that covers conference.

  4. I have no knowledge of that.

  5. I'd be interested in hearing about this too.

    Though I rather doubt that the audience singing their song had anything to do with their ability to subdue the idiot.

  6. keep researching, your bound to find something along those lines.

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