
LDS parents, and church leaders please answer?

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Ok i am mormon and i bought a shirt that says "you can't have manslaughter without laughter" because the word laughter is in the word manslaughter. well i guess my mom didn't get it because she said it was extremely offensive to the spirit and made me change it before i went to school. Please give your ideas on this shirt and if you think it is offensive. Thanks. This is a site that shows the shirt




  1. Hm.

    Is it funny?


    Is it worth fighting with the 'rents over?

    Not at all.


  2. I am an ex-mormon and not much offends me, I have been in the army and my dad swore like a saillor behin closed doors and he said I would hear worse in the army and he held the prieshood, well anyways, the mormons also believe that yuo should honor your parents and that you are an example as to what a mormon should be, so look at current doctrine on what mormons believe on manslaughter and see whether it would be a good idea to wear the shirt or not.

  3. Good shirt just have respect for others that come un glued it could hurt them have fun always being 17 thanks for the cool web site on shirts Also i really don't think God would mind what you wear it is the others like mom and old folks get the picture just respect others and have fun in life smile maybe you could wake up the dead that was a joke ok thanks i like young kids

  4. I'm an LDS Mum and Young Women President of my Ward, and I think that shirt is in bad taste. Sorry.

    Here are some better ones...

    Dang, Fetch, Heck. I have Mormon tourettes.

    My hometeacher can beat up your hometeacher.

    Mormon is the new black.

    What do you mean Popcorn doesn't come from Apricot trees?

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What part of "Jesus Christ" did you not understand?

    Do the Cheerios under the car seat count as my 72 hour pack?

    I want to live like Abinadi, except for the fire part.

    King Noah was mean.

    I could, but I'm allergic to h**l.

    Got green jello?

    See? Plenty of things which your Mum won't mind at all.

  5. Sorry, I'm leaning toward your Mom's point of view.  I don't know if the Spirit was offended or not, but the shirt doesn't seem to be respectful of human life.  Manslaughter is a horrible phenomenon.  

    If you want a shirt that is a play on words, get the one that says

    You can't have awesome without me!

  6. Sorry 16 (almost 17), yep, offensive.  Would you wear your shirt if the Savior was standing right next to you?

    Probably not.  Shouldn't wear it then.

  7. 17 more or less, your mother is your mother, she has a point of view. If she doesn't see your point of view, there should something wrong in your communication. therefore it is at this point that you should focus. Improve your communication skills with your mother, sister, wife; so that you make sure you discuss the same points.

  8. I think most parents, LDS or not would find that offensive.  If my kid was in college and out of the house and wanted to wear it, I wouldn't think anything of it - it's his choice about what he wants people to think of him.  BUT as a high school student still living at home, I'd probably make him change it.  

  9. Yes, I also find it offensive. But then, I'm the MOTHER of a 17 year old.

  10. Yeah, that shirt would have made me feel empty inside, too, when I was a teenager.  I think your Mum is right.  If you want a shirt with a slogan, get one that is funny, but also states something you believe in.

    I'm sure you're Mum understood the joke... but she just thought it was really tasteless.  It's not funny to joke about somebody's death... nor is it funny to hint at murder (eg. the man was holding a meat-cleaver).  That's just so gross it makes me feel sick.  I would have felt the same as a teenage girl, looking at your shirt.

  11. the shirt is as offensive as h**l to anyone, religious or atheist. what is marginally more offensive is you calling yourself a mormon at just 17 years old.  wait a few more years i beg of you. gather the evidence , research mormonism, find out about the true character of the founder of your cult before you decide.

  12. Get another shirt.

  13. LDS  I am right there with your Mom, old fogee that I am.  I understand but the picture.....

    There are a million shirts out there why this?

    And you are under her household.  Don't spread this and put your mom down and talk and talk and talk about it, that is disrespect.

  14. Sigh!!

    I am a Latter Day Saint mom. I have a 13 year old son who finds these things funny as well and would probably want that shirt. He has a shirt that bears the picture of a dachshund dragging its leash that says "My weiner is off the chain."  I don't let him wear it to school or to church activities. It's a double entendre, but the dachshund is cute so I let him keep the shirt.

    I agree with your mom. That shirt is not nice.

    As another poster mentioned, manslaughter is the negligent behavior that leads to the death of a human being, which is the greatest sin you could commit. There is nothing amusing about that.

  15. I happen to agree with your mother.  I wouldn't let you wear it as long as you were living in my house either.

  16. It's not offensive to me but I"m sure it is to others. Plus your school depending on the dress code could make you change it.

  17. You must not know at almost 17 that manslaughter means taking a human life through negligence.  That's not funny.  Even someone in the cult of Mormon should know better.

  18. It does have a double meaning.  And just like what your mother said, not all people will see the humor in it that you evidently did.

    Since it is questionable (obviously) why wear something that can be questioned?     Another would be better.

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