
LEGAL HIGHS? NATURAL TRIPS? What foods can i take that will cause a trip? Facts about it aswell plz. :)

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LEGAL HIGHS? NATURAL TRIPS? What foods can i take that will cause a trip? Facts about it aswell plz. :)




  1. we bought some legal high stuff at a festival apparently it was some type of mushroom combined with LSA  which is like LSD but legal. They were rubbish they just made us feel sick! there's a reason why they are legal. lol  

  2. Salvia, get the 80x quick before it goes illegal.

  3. it’s funny, & the consensus here, if it’s “legal” it’s gonna be a bummer or somethin – complicated but true, a reason why some stuff illegal – illicit substances can create powerful effects, “yehbut” (the Government saying) chance of dangerous side-effects –

    to continue theme, of ‘bad trips’: jump off a balcony on your head, hit your head with a rubber hammer, go without oxygen for 10 minutes –

    (& a grain of truth here – Trauma to the head a parallel with drug-effects!)

    As for smoking banana, nutmeg, whatever – a bit ridiculous, might as well go  for the ‘real thing’ – Drugs or nothing at all – (& None, I say – but by the way –

    isn’t that what Donovan was talking about, “Electric banana is gonna be the next phase”? who knows / who cares)

    But seriously folks –

      what I heard, a natural Trip: sensory-deprivation, for a day or something – then go out in the world, into a Shopping Centre let’s say – the dramatic change will make the usually-everyday Shopping Mall a Natural High.


  4. do a search for erowid vault, some legal stuff on there, I think your allowed to collect certain mushrooms in the northwest as well.

  5. I tried herbal highs the speed kind and the extacy kind. They just made me feel sick. They are all natural herbal but are really quite dangerous and  illegal lots of countries.

    Natural highs include, poppy based opiates, caffine, magic mushrooms, and nicotine. all of which are terrible for you except maybe cafine. Just because somthing is natural or legal doesnt make it good or safe.  

  6. nutmeg apparently, but i wud stick to booze personally

  7. Sally D. man!

    also Nutmeg, but i think its BS

  8. Well the best is to get some really good kava kava root, only the root will do.  And prepare it in some coconut milk, best to chew the root up and spit it in the coconut milk and then let it set for awhile and drink it.  If you don't want to do that then grate the root up and let the coconut milk set over night because it's fat soluble.  It's a much better drunk and very happy feeling when you use kava.  Other than that get some sleeping pills from the store and take a bunch, you really can't overdose but it gets you F't up.  There are lot's more but I will keep these too my stuff other things can be a little too dangerous to write on here.

  9. use inhalants like paint if you want to get a little high..or you can steal adderall

  10. get some bennadrill, that s***s fun. i guess. ummmm salvia is good dont go go 20x or 30x for ur first try you dont want to trip too bad.

  11. Salvia is a psychoactive sage thats legal

    careful tho too strong a stain can give you a really weird trip, you'll be dribbling and staring into space for 5 minutes

  12. Nutmeg will have you trip over a day, the come up isn't nice and it's hard on the body, you might be sick even and it's aweful.  Get this at your supermarket.

    Morning Glorys are fairly decent, I grow mine and extract the LSA and take it pure(r).

    HBWR are like MG, but stronger and easier to stomach ....  It takes about 10-20 seeds compared to 300-500.

    (When buying MG or even HBWR try eBay for 'organic' ones or herbal high stores.  Mass produced ones are laced to make you sick after ingestment.)

    Amanita Mascaira is a type of shroom, it's legal in the UK but I'm not into it, make sure it's properly cured ... the death cap shroom is part of the 'Amanita' family and are very toxic and may kill.

    Psliocybe based shrooms.  Best trip drug along with LSD, these two win the medal ... what is great about Psliobin is although it's illegal, it's not hard to find spores as these are legal in the U.K. but to colonize them is illegal.  So learning to grow them (Youtube it) is handy to know.

    I wont talk about the others, 2CB, MDMA, Marujuana, DMT as they are illegal I included shrooms 'cuz they aren't hard to grow with knowledge.

    Dreaming ... it's a naturally produced trip.  Look into lucid dreaming and dream recalls.

    Most herbal pills you get in headshops contain Morning Glorys to induce trips.

    Saliva is another, but everyone else mentioned it.

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