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ok so lately i been craving lemons and salt (weird i know but i used to eat it all the time before i got pregnant) and the other day someone told me that it was bad for me and the baby... i was worried I'm 13 weeks pregnant i will be 14 weeks on Saturday and i dont go back to my docs. untill the 10th of sept.. any one have some info on this? it would be greatly appreciated =]




  1. Most things are fine in moderation. I would be careful not to eat too much salt as it can affect your blood pressure and it's also linked to heart disease or something i think. As for lemons they are good for you. Enjoy them while you can as you may find later in the pregnancy when heartburn becomes a problem that you can't eat them. The best thing you can do is double check with a dr or midwife but I'm pretty sure as long as it's not all you're eating and you're not eating too much of it then go for your life

  2. wen i was preg i ate heaps of lemons but u shudnt eat 2 much salt that aint gud

  3. The lemons could be bad for your teeth - my old chemistry teacher used to say "Eat a lemon every day for a year, and you won't have any teeth at the end of the year".

    It is possible that you need minerals - switch to Celtic Sea salt, which contains less sodium, and lots of minerals.  Take it easy on the lemons.

    I don't think this is all that unusual - I like to eat lemons and I'm not even pregnant!  I also eat the rinds.

  4. Too much salt can be bad for your blood pressure, but if you normally have normal to low blood pressure I see no issues with it! It's kinda like someone telling you lemonade is bad, which it isn't.

  5. hi,there are going to be alot of people who are going to tell you different things you eat are bad for you and the baby, you just do whats right and best for you and your baby. i crave lemons and salt aswel and that's what i eat with most things. my baby is doing fine now and when i was pregnant with my first i craved lemon all the time and he come out fine and perfect. i would just eat what you want as long as in ain't large amounts per day and you should be fine. also salt is good for you because it stops you from getting cramps but too much salt can block your arteries. good luck and congrats

  6. ive never heard about it being bad for the pregnant mom and the baby but i have heard that it is bad for the enamel on ur teeth bc it will take it off but just to be sure i would call the drs 2morrow and ask them they will be able to tell u something b4 u go back

  7. sorry but im a little to young to be pregnant so i cant help. and i just thought this was silly question about lemons and salt.

  8. too much salt can of course be bad for anyone. i have never heard that this could be harmful though. if youre worried just phone the question in to a nurse at the ob or leave a message for your doc to call you about an non urgent question you have.  

  9. Well sweetie I am 5mths pregnant and also a Nurse I crave lemons all the time and there is nothing wrong with lemons but the salt intake is what I'm concerned with. You might need to hold off the salt so you won't develop high blood pressure Now that will be harmful for you and the baby. GOOD LUCK!

  10. i've never heard of that being bad for you, but of course to much salt will make your blood pressure rise, and you would like to keep that under control during your pregnancy so i just wouldn't take it to the extreme! enjoy your pregnancy : )

  11. i knew a lady that would drink those lemon things andeat lemons like crazy so she would have a miscarriage. Be very careful. salt is good for morning sickness though.
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