
LGBT's: Do You Think Male Homosexuality Is Focused on and Condemned More Because of Sexism against women?

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Do you think male sexuality is looked down on more than lesbianism because society views masculinity and males as more valuable? Because male homosexuality is seen as "unmasculine" and therefore a threat to society. Even "ex-g*y" focus a lot more on g*y men than lesbians. And most of the scientific studies trying to find the cause of homosexuality focuses much more on g*y men. What do you think?




  1. I  think it has to de with the fact that society views two women together.Either  as a sexual turn on or  as non threatening agree with you that male homosexuality is viewed more negatively.But on a grander scale lesbians are often sexually assaulted because of their sexual orientation,women as a whole are far more accepting of people who are different than are males.I believe this has to do with the innate need to love a child even if it has been born handicapped.With that hardwired into us it is easier for a woman to accept a male who is g*y than it is for another man to accept that same g*y male.Not saying that women are better we are just more loving and sensitive.

  2. Partially, yes, I agree with your thinking since it used to be the men that fought, worked, sustained and governed the family, society and religion as a whole, but mainly that women are looked by men as sexual objects more than peers.

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