
LGBT: What makes you nervous?

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So I'm starting college tomorrow, and I'm crazy nervous haha.




  1. the DMV "shudders"

  2. this girl named adia im crushing on right now...i swear i have never met another girl that made me feel this way before

  3. I'm starting university Wednesday and I'm super nervous!! Good luck =)

  4. my mo walking in and finding me answering this question  she duznt kno im L*****n and is in the other room while i write this

    i super nervous rite now

  5. Certain people that are condescending

    teachers looking over my shoulder

    standardized tests

  6. The thought of winter without nuts.

  7. This is my second year in college, and i am so nervous.  I'm nervous about what kind of classmates i am going to have, and if any professors are @$$es. Oh yeah, i'm nervous to about passing my classes. ahhhh!!!

  8. when the girl i like looks at me xD

  9. big groups.

    i have really bad social anxiety.

  10. thats it for me too. school makes me nervous too.

  11. my anxiety.  

  12. starting school on thursday and

    me knowing that i really dont have any

    classes with my best friend and also

    what makes me nervous is when im around the person

    that i have like the world biggest crush on  

  13. when a very handsome guy stares at me smiling and telling me im cute,cause i am very freakin shy,hahaha,it has happened to me just like two times,i cant stand it it just makes me blush completely and laugh...and also cover my face,yeah,i got low self esteem

  14. a hot hunk appears in front of me or near me...

  15. speaking in front of large crowds (although im class presdient so i must be doing something right)

    and id have to say the fear of being outed by the few people ive told about my sexuality and getting lynched and chased through the streets with torches and pitchforks (not even kidding. i live around closeminded @ssholes)

    EDIT: good luck at college. you'll kill it, im sure :)

  16. Politicians making decisions about my future.

  17. the thought of having s*x with a girl.

    :((( can you believe ppl would try to pressure someone into that?

    its soo stupid right?

  18. Being alone for the whole year... like every other year I had.

  19. Answering this question ,,,, is making me verrrry Nervous ..

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