
LIBRA an PISCES plz answer?

by Guest57131  |  earlier

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will i b gud wit this person?

oh yeah i AM NT basing this jus by a horoscope,

this jus 4 fun.

so plz dnt b rude ta me bout it.

HIS ~ sun in PISCES

moon - unknown sorry

rising sign - unknown sorry

mercury - PISCES

venus - ARIES

mars - CANCER

jupiter - LIBRA

saturn - AQUARIUS

uranus - CAPRICORN

neptune - CAPRICORN

pluto - SCORPIO

MINEZ ~ sun in LIBRA

i aint gon put in my rising sign n moon sign since i dnt knoe his sorry... buuut JUS in case you need it, witch you prolly wont bt ne ways... its moon in PISCES n rising sign LEO.

mercury - SCORPIO

venus - SCORPIO

mars - LEO

jupiter - SCORPIO

saturn - PISCES

uranus - CAPRICORN

neptune - CAPRICORN

pluto - SCORPIO

plz & thank you




  1. oh, u two are ruled with mars....


  2. I'm afraid if I say the truth, I just might get another 7 thumbs down again.

  3. Here's a link you might find interesting....

    The chart listed says your signs are not significantly influencial either way.

    However, it would be better to take a good look at yourself and what your path in life is about.  

    Then ask....  Will this person be able to walk with me along that path or be a hinderance?

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