
LIFEGUARDS....what's it like? I want to be one!?

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I'm thinking of becoming a lifeguard as a summer job this year. i am a that's an advantage. TO ALL LIFEGUARDS---what are good and bad things about the job?? it seems like fun...but i want to get some opinions! thanks =]




  1. i have the exact same question i havent started working yet but i already took the class. from what i heard from the instructer and stuff it seems really cool.

    as a pool lifeguard there prob. isnt much action but if there is you have to be able to deal with it wich makes it kinda scary.

  2. I lifeguarded two summers ago and I said never again....

    The good:  You get tan, thunderstorms, knowing everyone at the pool, free stuff from the food stand people (they feel bad for you)

    The bad:  People can die(we had a kid pass away last summer at our pool),  you are forced to sometimes deal with disgusting messes children and adults leave at pools, you burn, and its a dreadfully dull job sitting up in a stand all day because you cannot take your eyes off the pool to talk to friends.

  3. Can't beat it for a summer job.  Better than flipping burgers.  I did both - hands down lifeguarding wins.  

    I like the answer about the good and bad - because all jobs have both.  It is most fun at a camp...where you have more control over the pool and not a lot of adults to deal with.  Fewer kids - smaller groups, etc.

    Good luck deciding.

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