
LIGHTNING STORM questions?!?

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1. Is it okay to take a shower while there's lightning and thunder outside? (Will I get electrocuted?)

2. Is it bad to stay near windows when there's lightning?

3. What should I do if there's lightning, and I'm OUTSIDE? (And can't find any place to err, hide?)

4. By the way... if you're inside the house and there's a lightning storm outside, can you still listen to your iPod?

5. Can you get electrocuted by talking on a land line (phone)?

What are some tips, facts, and cautions about being safe during a lightning storm?




  1. 1) If their is thunder and lightning NEVER take a shower. YES their is the possibility of electrocution

    2) No

    3) lay on the grass, back up with your butt in the air (this is actually true)

    4) Yes

    5) Yes, never take showers, or use electronic devices

  2. 1. Shower should be ok but im not so sure...

    2. Windows is a no-no even though the chances are slim, dont take them. You have a chance of the lighting hitting the glass and seriously hurting/killing you.

    3. once again, you probuly wont get electricuted. im not sure where to hide but stay away from metals and other things like that (iron,copper,that kinda of stuff)

    4. Ipods are run on yes its fine. But, dont charge your ipod with a computer during a lighting storm. Just for the sake of the ipod and your money. It will break.  

    5. theres a  chance of the lighting hitting the wires that lead to ur phone and having a current come through. so yes.

    Stay away from windows, if your outside, dont use an

    umbrella with metal. Also, take off all metal and jewelry. Turn all tv's and computer's off if you dont want them broken or messed up ( going to a different channel on its own )

  3. If you're inside during a lightning storm, you should say out of the shower, get off all phones, televisions, computers, and other electronics (unless they are wireless or run on batteries, so ipods are ok), and stay away from windows. If you are outside, the best thing for you to do is go inside. However, if you can't do that, you should get away from tall objects, water, fences, turn off your cell phone, and stay dry. You could also squat down (with only your toes touching the ground, keeping little contact with the ground) and hold out your arms and point them down, which would make the lightning run through your arms and into the ground instead of your body.

  4. 1. No. Water is a conductor of electric current unless it is deionized. DO NOT take a shower during an electrical storm.

    2. Yes. If lightning strikes near the window, you will be electrocuted.

    3. Go into the push-up position or kneel down. Standing up is bad and so is laying down on the ground.

    4. Yes. Anything that is not hooked up to an outlet is fine to use as long as you are far away from windows.

    5. Yes. The cord and phone cable are conductors of electric current.

    Here are some lightning facts:

    Lightning has an average current of 30,000 Amperes. It only takes one Ampere to kill someone.

    Lightning is the result of the buildup of electric charge. As opposite charges increase in quantity, an electric field develops. Eventually, the field is large enough to cause either negative or positive charges to move to one another, which is seen as lightning.

    Thunder occurs because nearby air is heated to about 18,000°F. Thunder is the sound of the expansion of air.

    Sometimes, lightning will ionize air, and make the lightning appear as blues, pinks, and other colors. Lightning is normally white.

    Here are my sources, which are locations for great information:

  5. Here are some sites that answer your questions, give additional safety tips and some interesting information.

    Good luck.

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