
LISBON ....return to FEUDALISM ?

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.Citizens of Republic of Ireland are voting on the LISBON TREATY on Thurs 12th

All the political parties with gravy-rain proclivities, are presuming to sell the pig in a poke to the citizenry.... "ARMEDDON DEAREST CITIZES" "you are a fool if you vote "NO" Ireland, unlike the new eastern Europe entrants, is not in a new rebounding marriage to any new sibollete of "freedom". We are not for a new RULING CLASS faceless beauracy. I, for one, have no intention of surrendering the "old sod" What think you my fellow Europeans ?




  1. If the result is a "NO", then the Irish will be made to vote again until they get it right - just like Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe.  Thats what they did last time the Irish spoke against a Euro con.

  2. Brave men gave their lives for us to have the right to vote and we do not need to be told what way to vote by you or any one else, I like the mass's will be voting no simply because our lying b******s of politicians want us to vote yes , when the prime minister admits  that he has not even read the Lisbon treaty he has no right to ask us to vote yes when he does not know what the Lisbon treaty is

  3. I am Irish and i am voting NO.

    The Lisbon Treaty makes Ireland a state of Europe therefore if Europe goes to war, Ireland goes to war. Our National laws can be overuled by the EU. We lose our independence. Might I add that we fought for 800 years for this independence and i don't think that we should sell it back to Europe.

  4. if you are fool when you vote NO, you are absolutely crazy if you vote YES !

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