
LLLReptile question?

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I'm thinking of buying a bearded dragon and just wondering about experiences others have had with LLLReptile. Have your reptiles come sick, or injured? Did it take longer than expected? Or was everything right on track?




  1. dont buy animals from there because my friend bought one from there and it came dead and they wont give you a refund or unless you want to pay shipping to send it to them and shipping again  for another one

  2. my cousin has one

    they are great to just hold

    my cousins eats pinky mice

    they have a great disposition

    very docile need a bigger tank than a gecko or something

    live a long time

    for more detail go to

    click on that link and then go into other links for pic and more detailed info

  3. i've never bought an animal from there but i have bought supplies for both my leopard gecko and bearded dragon and much of the stuff i bought did come back defective. i've also heard some bad stories of  people buying animals marked as captive bred but when they receive the animal they are wild caught and have parasites so i personally wouldnt buy anything from them again.

  4. I buy supplies from them but wopuldn't buy an animal from them. I have bought many animals in the past from them, but never again. They don't breed their own animals, they get them from other people. Alot are wild caught and some are sickly. They also aren't real good at sexing their animals as I have found out. I would buy from an actual breeder. Here is one of the most reputable beardie breeders out there:
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