
LOL Help, i need motivation to get cleaning !! :o)?

by  |  earlier

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ok so I do live alone, have 2 dogs and a cat, all pets seem happy today, have the day off of work, am mostly motivated but can anyone else give me (NICE NICE) motivation or suggestions to help me tackle my tasks ??

i've got my TO DO list started, i've got some good tunes on...

what do you do to help get motivated ??

(this will make this post a Question, and in turn help me out too !! thanks everyone)




  1. Ok when i know i need to clean or i am forced to clean i turn on some good music as you have done and just start...i know it is really hard to start at least for me it is but trust me, once your body gets into cleaning mode it is hard to stop.

  2. Well let's see--

    A friend's home was ALWAYS-- neat told me to use a kitchen timer and set it for 60 minutes-- and work like ....... to get as much done as possible-- and that's it for the day!

    Another method-- price house cleaning services-- that might do it!

    Then there's my method-- hire someone!

    good luck!

  3. turn on tv

    turn off takes you to emotional places.

    sit in front of until commercial comes on...then rush around before the program starts to get things done.....remember to sit down and watch the programs.

    You can clean your whole house in 2 half hour

    Start with living room....then do bed.....then kitchen....then bathroom

    finish with a cool drink and a smile.

  4. Yep, the good tunes work for me too   ;)  

    Crank 'em up & bee bop with the sweeper.  Makes for some great exercize too.

  5. :o)

    yes make your list, that will help you decide what needs to get done and what you can be lazy and do "later"

    haha for me too, "later" always becomes later.. and  I'll do it tomororow always happens too... I started that tomorrow thing in January... now its  July !!

    ok u got me too, im gonna try and clean myself !!

  6. I get motivated when I have a date coming to my house.  Don't want her to know what a slob I am.

  7. So do I... I need to get off the computer, take a nap, then try my best to get off my butt. Oh but it has gotten heavier since that cake comment I answered the other day. Pie was involved too. Then I sent my hubby on an ice-cream mission...! Anyway, you are going to have to tune out ALL distractions... COMPUTER, PETS, PHONE,....... and just get going. In fact that's good advice for my own tired self! YAWN! Nap 1st! Bye now! Brownies, now I want some BROWNIES!

  8. It would be so hypocritical of me to even start giving you advice (looking at the state of my own room- but I'll fix that tomorrow. Still resting my sprained back, can't really bend over to pick up empty food cartons right now ^_^)

    But, the satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have accomplished something (and that your place will smell and look better too lol) should be a great incentive!

    So get to work!!!

  9. OK, I need to do some cleaning too.  We'll do it together.  Let's get up from the computer and get to it!  .......alright on 3........ready?....1....2........oh, wait, the cat came to sit in my lap, she needs some snuggles.......I guess I'll just have to sit here some more on the computer and clean later........much later  :-)

  10. I usually turn on some real good music, or put the ipod on with ear phones and get to work. Music does wonders for me. This is when my family see my awful dancing and even worse singing. They often times help, just to get me to stop or shut up!!!LOL

  11. What gets me motivated it the thought that someone might show up at my house unexpectedly and see my clutter. I'm not a clean freak, but I do like to stay tidy. It's hard with 2 kids, a dog, & 2 cats though. Just tell yourself how much better you'll feel when you're all done. Plus you can then relax with a beverage on a beautiful day like today & enjoy the weather. Go tackle that list!!

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