
LOL! My mom said why is that big man beating up on that little teenager (rhodes / batista). U agree with her?

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My mom never watches wrestling and doesn't really know anything about it but last night she walked in the room while she was dusting and she's like 'Derrick, that stuff is so unhealthy for you and what is that big man doing beating up on that teenager like that anyway?' I think Batista had just like caught Cody in mid air and slammed him really hard on the canvas. And after really giving it a look it DID honestly look like Batista was beating up on a little kid. Cody is very small and on top of that Batista is very big. Cody looks like a little teenager. It just looked wrong and looked like a father assaulting his child or something. What do you think?




  1. lol @ your mom, that's funny, and true.  I read today that Batista is 39 years old!?  So really, he IS old enough to be Rhode's "dad", I guess.  

  2. I know I said the same thing monday and last week its like heavy weight vs cruiser weight  


  4. NO

  5. Haha! You're mom's funny, but yeah I agree!  

  6. Ya lol. Cody Rhodes is tiny compared to batista. And there is a difference between Rey Mysterio and Cody Rhodes. Rey is just small. Cody is small, thin, has a lisp and isnt that good. Mabye if he got some man-ly tattos like CM or some sweet scars like sabu then he would look older  

  7. your mom is

    cody looks like other wrestlers but at that single moment where he was caught in mid-air like that, anyone could have assumed that a big man was beating up on a teenager

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