
LONDON England!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest59002  |  earlier

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how much would an all day london underground ticket cost?

ALL zones

Im 16 aswell.

And my friends 18

Prices please?




  1. They're not 25 pounds! 4 pounds for an adult, 2 for a kid(15 and under) But, if you're going to be there for awhile, you save money buying a week pass.

    I know this is bad, but when I used to live in London, I would buy the kids ticket. It's  2 pounds less than the adult one. If you look young enough, I'd say go for it. I got away with it years after i should have been buying adult. No one checks, most of the time. and if they do catch you, you just have to buy an adult one. Its not worth the trouble if you're not going to be there long, but if you buy a travelcard everyday, it adds up.

  2. around £25 :)

  3. $112 for 7 days, $100 for 3 days.

    I think it is good for buses also.  You can go to:

    and download a pdf file that explains how it works and gives more info about the prices.

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