
LOVE !! This is the true love !! The Iraqi and the U.S. soldier -- a love story? How they are suffering ?

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Asraa Alaibi saw in staff sgt.Lance caver a good man with a heart of gold not only towards her, but also towards other iraqis. Their first real date lasted only 20 minits. They were in love & wanted to marry. From 2004 to 06, the 2 carried on a friendship followed by phone talks. They finally met in 2006 and the soldier was returning home in washington state. The two vowed to be reunited in defiance of history, religion and danger. Yet, the entire world was against them. Staff sgt.caver and miss alaibi say they were up front with all including military leadership about their relationship and all generally supportive. Caver started immigration, visa works to get miss alaibi to the U.S. She reached jordanian border and was turned away. she is now one of the tens of thousands of iraqi refugees swamping jordan and syria, she is pulling her hair out, but they are talking all the time. . we both wakeup and say we love each other and its alright, she says. wil you agree their true love ?




  1. wonderful.. this is love, i agree.  i pray for their success and reunion.  i feel their suffering and that too the girl.  how a war ruins the country and the people and the elders should think all this matters.

  2. could be the thrill of the drama around them that is causing intense feelings..but you dont know someone if you communicate primarily by dont know if they have a habit of picking their nose and eating it...i think they think they may be in love...i just dont think they are..but its not my life and i wish them the best

  3. when cupid strikes it doesn't matter where your from colour or creed

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