
LPN to surgical tech. am i going in the right way?

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right now i'm a CNA and sitll in high school. i'm working on my LPN as WATC right now. and then i'm going to get my surgical tech and WATC to.

am i going in the right way.




  1. Stefania,

    I think you have received a lot of misinformation.  LPNs and surgical techs make around the same money so you will only be making a lateral move as far as pay goes.  Try to choose being one or the other not doing both.  Now, their is a worldwide nursing shortage!!!  So whoever told you you won't be hired if you pursued your RN degree is really misinformed.  Their is no hospital in this country that will turn down an RN who is ready and willing to work.  Also consider that they make double what you will make as a surgical tech or an LPN.   I started out as a CNA then became an LPN then became a RN with a Bachelors Degree.  The only thing I would have done differently is to skip the LPN and go straight for my RN degree.  You will not regret staying in Nursing.  I quess I am biased, but I think surg tech is a very limiting career choice.

  2. I think you are.  I was recently talking to a gal who became a surgical technician first.  She is now studying to become a registered nurse.  Her reason is because she started her own out-call surgical technician practice where she gets paid directly from insurance companies for her services.  However, she found out that all of her claims are being denied because she is not a nurse.  (I'm not sure if this applies for LPN as well.)  She said she found out that as a surgical technician, you will make more money and will be able to expand in your capabilities once you are a nurse.  Like I said, I really don't know if this also applies to LPN's.)  However, if this is something that happens once you've received you LPN diploma, most colleges/universities offer a one year transitional program to extend your LPN training to an RN.  Piece of cake!

    I hope this helps a little.  Good luck in your studies!

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