
LSAT Study?

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I am finding that on my strongest part of the lsat, logical reasoning, I am only getting half right and half wrong. I am reading the Logic Bible but still having trouble. My problem is recognizing the different type of questions and when to diagram. Any advice?




  1. I took the LSAT in June and I really didn't do much diagramming at all with the logical reasoning. I only advise it when the problem makes NO sense and you need a visual to work through it. You don't have an overabundance of time though, so it's best if you can work through them without having to do any drawing.

    I did all of my studying on my own, although a lot of my friends shelled out the big bucks for a class. If you are not diligent about investing some solid blocks of time to studying, I would recommend the class. If you are willing to commit time to studying on your own, I recommend the Kaplan Premier Edition book and the Logic Games workbook  (if you need help on those).

    Without knowing the types of questions you have been getting wrong, I cannot really tailor my advice very well...but here it goes:

    With the logical reasoning, the big thing is to pay attention to the wording so that you don't make dumb mistakes with wording like strengthens/weakens, best/worse.

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to find a full-length logical reasoning section, sit and complete it in 35 minutes, check it and then go back through the ones you missed.

    The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to prep for the LSAT is practice. Do a bunch of full-length practice tests under as close to real testing conditions as you can get, making sure you observe the 35 minute limit on each section. The more comfortable you are with the types of questions, the better you will perform on the test itself.

    Good luck!

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