
Lab won't stop barking, how do I make him stop?

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I have a 5 month old Lab, and he barks out of boredom. I exercise him daily to try and tire him out, but it is beginning to bug our neighbors. He is very sweet and energetic but I just can't have him barking. How do I get him to stop the bored barking? Is it in his blood or is it just the dog?

Also- is it possible to train a pure bloodhound to be a good kid's dog? (I personally don't think so)




  1. I dont know about the barking, but YES bloodhounds can be great pets for kids, actually all the bloodhounds i've ever known have been very very sweet. havent you ever heard of the steryotype that the bloodhound is the dog all little boys want? back in the day when little boys would hunt raccoons and such. Bloodhounds, as far as my experiance goes, are wonderful dogs to have, especially around little kids. As long as the kids dont pester the dog, there is a general rule that they are very good with kids, in fact they can be so affectionate towards them you need to ensure the kids dont get sick of them!

  2. Try a shock collar. I can't answer about the  bloodhound though. I guess with patience, any dog can be trained.

  3. If he is specifically barking AT you then you have to show him that he won't receive attention for it. Reward him when he stops barking and he will learn the good behavior aka not barking. Or as a last resort you can try a shock collar but I think he is too young right now. He will most likely learn from you if you teach him. You have to ignore him when he is barking. Don't look at him and don't pet him and don't talk to him. If he learns that he doesn't get what he wants for barking then he will stop even if it is out of boredom. As for the bloodhounds they should be okay if you got a puppy and teach your kids to treat it with respect. But don't ever leave ANY animal alone with your child EVER for any reason.  

  4. aaaw how cute.

    I dont know maybe yell at him and say naughty boy/girl   that should work

    yes you can teach a pure bloodhound to be a good kids dog though you'll have to have it from a very young age

  5. You need to remember dogs hear more sounds than we do so he may be barking at something we would consider not important. You need to get a clean spray bottle and put water in it so when he does this board barking give him a squart not a spray of water in the face and in a deep commanding voice tell him no.  Do not ever play with the spray bottle he will bark just to play.

    As far as the bloodhound goes I think it depends on the person who is training him.  

  6. try a squirt bottle of water or water and a little lemon juice. When he barks, squirt him on the snout. At first he will think it is a game, but he will get tired of it pretty quick. They also have this stuff for animals called "bitter yuck" it tasts bad, but doesn't hurt them. It is usually used to keep animals from chewing things. That works very well. Just squirt him on the snout. When he licks it off it won't like the taste and will start to associate that taste with barking.

    Good luck!

  7. Just as human language is multifaceted and multipurpose, barking allows a dog to communicate many different messages in a variety of situations. It can signal a request to an owner ("Hey, I want to go outside!"), impart a warning ("You're in my territory!"), or simply serve to amuse when a dog has little else to do.

    An instinctive canine behavior, a bark now and then reminds you that your dog is still very much a dog. However, constant barking can be disruptive, if not downright nerve-racking. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or curb problem barking.

    Here's how to treat this problem

  8. Beware of bark collars, I used one of the beeping type which got stuck on beep, would not stop, couldn't remove the battery, it then got hot.  Thank goodness I was home.

  9. I have a lab and we had trained him not to bark constantly. IT all depends what he is barking at. Our dog wanted more attention so we played with it more often. The neighbors will just have to understand that is what puppies do. Also Labs need alot of attention. If you work or anything. try and get a dog sitter. I personally don't think that bloodhounds can be trained to be a kid's dog.

  10. Get one of those collars that sprays a scent, or makes a beep when your dog barks.  My friend had the same problem, and had a beep collar.  All it does is distract the dog, and he forgets to bark.  Works like a charm

  11. If your leaving him outside at night? bring him in crate him inside if you have to. What is he barking at outside? he may just be trying to protect his territory. If your at home bring him in , yard dogs are notorious for constant barking.

    Blood hounds are not bad family dogs, I've known several families with them as pets- just have to give them a job because boredom gets them in trouble

  12. What kind of lab is he?  If you can't stop him from barking, let me have him so he can come live on our rural land with our other three dogs.  We have several acres fenced in, and our dogs have the run of that land plus more when we take them out of their immense backyard and go into the woods.  I'm in the mood for a new dog, and a puppy is a great age to train, although I must admit that I've been so glad to see our dogs run all over our big back yard that I've lapsed a bit on the training, but, as happy as we make them here with their "quarters" and their romping grounds and how we feed them, I've got all the training for them that they'll ever need.  They bark to their hearts' contents, and even if the neighbors hear them, we hear the neighbors' dogs, and no one cares.  And they greet us at the fence gate or the back door or anywhere along the fence line that they see us with their tails wagging so fast that I sometimes think their tails will break off if they don't  quit being so happy.

    But, that's not answering your question in the way you need, and since I don't know more specifically the conditions you and your dog live in, I can't really tell you more specifically how or whether you can stop him from barking.  I can tell you, however, that I think a great bit of it's "in-the-blood", kind of like our Siberian Huskie's howling instead of barking.  She can't bark, or greatly prefers to howl, and she does such a good job of it that she's got our other three dogs howling soon after they start up, as they try to match her "singing voice".  I swear they sound like a canine choir once she gets them going.  I'm not sure you can exercise the barking out of your lab.  It's too much an innate part of him, so, let me know if I can be of adoption help.  I'd love to add another fine dog to our lovely new wooded home with acres of fenced-in back yard.   God Bless you.

  13. I hit mine with a broom when he barks.  That seems to do it.  But watch out for his eyes he can't see out of one now.

  14. they have citronella sprays that work with a collar that he will wear. When he barks he gets a mist of it. they use it at the Humane society here. We got my lab from the pound and he seems ok . i didn't think he would bark if say someone knocked on the door but he does. he doesn't use the collar here at home but he did in the pound. labs need ALOT of running and playing.  they also like to chew alot. you can also use a soda can and put some coins in it. when he starts barking out of boredom shake the can and say NO!

    as far as the bloodhound they are nice dogs . suppose to be good temperaments. the one i have known are kinda dumb though. one would eat his own vomit.other then that and walking like a snail he seemed fine. check with the Humane society on both things. i am sure they can help you.  

  15. Well maybe he just wants to come inside.

  16. The patterns you set now will determine your dog's behavior. Excessive barking due to boredom (or also likely, seperation anxiety) can only be stopped by YOU. A lab was breed to run until his legs fall off. He must be excercised for a minimum of 45 minutes a day. He must be disciplined to know that barking is not an acceptable response to boredom. That means YOU have to be close enough to correct him when he barks.Leaving an untrained puppy alone all day is asking for problems, and is not responsible dog ownership. If you can't be a responsible pack leader, perhaps he should be rehomed, and you should get a mature dog with fewer needs. Watch the Dog Whisperer.

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