
Labile behaviour: Please Help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i'm a person with some psychological problems like i'm borderline but apart from that i'm labile i.e. i find things very funny when they are only slightly amusing or i dont laugh when i'm supposed to(mostly the former problem). it gets very embarassing socially. plus i cant quite keep my expressions off my face and sometimes i get hyper if small things go wrong. all this makes me a social Failure.

i've read medication can set this right but i dont want to be dependent on drugs. does anyone know any other way that can help me?

thanks a lot.




  1. I agree, best advise is to get some help and start taking some meds for this.

    I also think that you may benefit from some behavioral therapy, along with your meds.  This sounds more like a behavioral problem, and if you use meds and counseling may be able to not take the meds for a long-time period.

    Good Luck

    Momma P

    Go get help..........

  2. try not to laugh when you shouldnt. but best advice is to get on meds.

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