
Labour after a sweep, how long?

by Guest10684  |  earlier

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How long after having a sweep does labour set in usually?, my sister is having one done this afternoon.




  1. that totally depends on your body and if it is ready..

    I went into labor the next morning after my doctor swept my membranes..

    same with my mom.

    But my friend had hers swept twice and it didnt do anything...

    good luck

  2. I think if it works, it's supposed to work within 48 hours.

    I had mine swept at 39w3d and I went into labor 30 hours later.  I was also 3 cm dilated and about 60% effaced.

  3. I had one and was in labour within the hour but I was three weeks late.  Its not pleasant - wish her all the best from me.

  4. After I had mine I had my daughter the same day, But I herd it could be like two or three days. It just depends. Tell her good luck and good luck to you on becoming an aunt.

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