Thanks a lot for sending good answers, i tried out sources but my products require good finishing,leakproof welding, and line alignment,,which out sourcers are not doing satisfactory, i gave each worker Rs. 300=00 for enjoy, this amount not to cut from their salary. . i also gave radio set to each worker at theri place so they listen music and work hard... they want overtime and i gave them everyday 2-3 hrs overtime with extra pay, every wednesday night with dinner, tea , and snacks..i recruit 6 new workers..but they are not ready to work with them and not even support them...all old workers knws labour laws..if i take any strickt action..they immediatly join union and after that labour inspectors, layers, and all other started their extra income from me... two workers done this so all other also learn this. ..secondly there is great shortage of skilled workers and if i even get it they demands too worker has fear to loos his job so they are free to speak any thing..