
Labour and staff problem? what to do..i got really good orders..?

by Guest56126  |  earlier

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Thanks a lot for sending good answers, i tried out sources but my products require good finishing,leakproof welding, and line alignment,,which out sourcers are not doing satisfactory, i gave each worker Rs. 300=00 for enjoy, this amount not to cut from their salary. . i also gave radio set to each worker at theri place so they listen music and work hard... they want overtime and i gave them everyday 2-3 hrs overtime with extra pay, every wednesday night with dinner, tea , and snacks..i recruit 6 new workers..but they are not ready to work with them and not even support them...all old workers knws labour laws..if i take any strickt action..they immediatly join union and after that labour inspectors, layers, and all other started their extra income from me... two workers done this so all other also learn this. ..secondly there is great shortage of skilled workers and if i even get it they demands too worker has fear to loos his job so they are free to speak any thing..




  1. Dear Mr. Vyas,

    This is the second time you are asking the question here. First time I could not give answer, as you have not provided the details. Hence I thought it is a routine production problem, for which outsourcing is the best solution, which some one else has answered. So I kept quite.

    After going through the details provided by you in detail, couple of times , and when analyzed the situation with the experience I am having, I have narrowed to the basic problem  prevailing in your Industry. It is problem being created by the Union Leader. Please discuss with him, and sort out the problem.

    You should not have allowed the Labour Union to enter your premises, first of all. A Business man should always think as a Capitalist, to ensure his productivity and profitability. Labours are such class of people, who will never get satisfied, even if you shower the golden rain on them. Secondly, they should not know about the details in your order book. You should keep them in dark, regarding all aspects of your Business and margin of profit, balance sheet, etc.,Once they came to know that you are a Goose laying the golden eggs, they certainly try to extract more out of you. Remember all these trade secrets. Humanitarian consideration is a different aspect and left to you.

    Hope you have understood the root cause, try to solve it considering only the present order. From the next order onwords try to stream line every thing.

    Good luck.

  2. Its called running a business. there is always overhead and people will always go to where the money is. They have bills too.

  3. I agree with both Abhi and Mr Manjunath.

    An incentive / piece work basis or profit sharing scheme would ensure optimal productivity, but at this stage if you can implement these in place of your existing set up is debatable in view of unionisation of your labour.  Best is to call all  the workers for a meeting, discuss these new measures you want to put into place and cajole them into accepting these.  Frankly tell them that if things continue as they are, you may have to consider closing down, which will not benefit anyone.  As Manjunath rightly points out, be cautious, never disclose more than what you need to, to anybody.  At the same time, be scrupulously fair. All the best.

  4. it is a real situation but i think instead of spending money like this it is better that you link incentives with your production and quality give some lucrative incentives on daily/weekly basis say about 1000/-rs. and stop your old schemes give incentive intially to one worker this may lead to competition between them and things will start working out

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