
Labour/tory greed and incompetence is it?

by Guest64320  |  earlier

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destroying our once great nation,every part of our society is geared to taking MORE and MORE from the POOR/working man and tax payer to make the wealthy even more wealthy,the infiltration of NORMAL family values by the depraved to NORMALISE what they do!!(homo-sexual in charge of s*x education for our children),yes thats what is happening,we have to wake up and not be of the mind that it is OK,it is not ok is it???




  1. Well!Labour have certainly pulled this country down with their foolish ideas!Two wars;Selling our gold for $240 an ounce which is now worth $940 an ounce!Dipping into the private pension funds!

    They have bought this country down to its knees!Thanks for nothing!Gordon!

  2. Rant, rant, rant, rant. That said God you are right and you have got my blood boiling reminding of the fact that a Country I was once so proud of is going down hill so quickly and without a fight!

  3. The Nation was never great, so let's not use our rose tinted history specs.

    There has always been problems and more people are healthier and living longer and to a better standard today then ever before. More people are better off than they have ever been before.

    NOW I'm not saying things are great and the government are great because they are not and We have a LONG LONG way to go, but equal rights and the stamping out of the acceptability of bigoted attitudes (well not completey: See question), attitudes are moving in the right direction amongst the general population but there is trouble in the deprived areas and putting everyone in prision is not the answer.

    Governments have always been for the benefits of the rich aristocracy in the home counties and if the tories get in we will se more of that.

    There needs to be a real peoples champion who will rise up and inspire people, to motivate them that things can be better. I haven't seen anyone inspiring in politics since Tony Benn.

    We need to stop following America and align ourselves more with the like minded people in Europe to take our destiny with peace and secularism not right wing neoconservative christian evangelism which is dragging the world into war and the american people back decades if not centuries in term of education and theocracy.  

  4. well where i live...i see more & more youngsters having babies & being given a flat or house & a fat giro each week...they are able bodied people but they chose not to it's not just the rich benefitting.

    my neighbour is claiming disability...his wife is a carer & there is NOTHING wrong with them....he seemed fine carrying the new doors for his house off of the roof rack of his car...but he is supposed to have a bad back.

  5. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " You are not alone"

    Look in the real world.

    With all the mess out there.

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past in our youth with self lack of knowledge.

    That was more than 30 years ago after independence.

    That crept out in time being expose in time.

    Without being aware of the mess created in own backyards.

    The misery was exposed by the mystery of us-911.

    Can only be traced after the Asian Tsunami with the missing key.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  6. It's simple,

    Lower the asylum intake rate. And any that do get here should have to explain why, if they are so scared to live in their own country why they didn't stop in any of the countries along the way?

    Stop giving the asylum seekers a free ride for the rest of their, and their childrens lives.

    Stop just handing out job seekers money, instead reduce the amount for everytime they turn down an acceptable job.

    Anyone living in council accommodation that commits a crime should be removed, and made to live on the streets. Anyone not living in council accommodation should have any tax credits cut, and other such things that are designed to help them.

    With all the money that is saved, build several more prisons to lock up all the scum that is walking our streets.

    And of course use some of the money to convict Gordon Brown of treason.

  7. Both system's are wrong, it's too easy to claim benefit's and MP's are taking the mick with the expenses. As you say in your question it is the working people that are being beaten on both sides, especially couples.

    Im a single mum I work and get alot of help too.

  8. in other words just an other average century

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