
Lack of Morning Sickness scares me? Anyone else feel like this???

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I haven't had any morning sickness at all with this pregnancy, I mean, I tell people I don't get it, as I barely had it with my daughter (I think I was sick a total of about 5 times) but this time around, I have not even been sick once.

Sometimes I get really scared as I think for most people morning sickness is the biggest indicator that you are pregnant.

Does anyone else who has little/no morning sickness sometimes get really scared that there is something wrong?? Sometimes I just feel like I have no symptoms anymore (I had sore b***s for a while but that's gone now)

I'm 11 (LMP predicts) or 13 weeks (dr says).





  1. Some women have no morning sickness when pregnant. This is due to the fact that the woman's body is mixing well with the baby, and it doesn't feel the need to be upset. If you have more worries contact your doctor, he or she will be able to help you out more.  

  2. some peoples pregnancies go without any morning sickness or any symptoms so they dont actually notice anything till they feel the baby moving inside them!! thats why so many people now dont realise they are pregnant!! if ts making you feel uneasy speak to your midwife who will help put your mind at rest!

  3. Don't worry, think yourself lucky!! lol.

    I didn't get any morning sickness till 5 months gone, and then I couldn't keep anything down it was horrible!

  4. I had no morning sickness at all and counted myself very lucky, really bad heart burn though. Good luck

  5. I never once actually threw up; I got dizzy and nautious a bunch of times; some Sprite and crackers got rid of it usually. Even now, I still get a little dizzy. I am pretty sure that everything is just fine and you and I are just lucky to NOT have gotten it--not everyone does :)) Congrats

  6. I've only had a slight case of it to be honest, nothing real major, and when my b***s don't hurt, and i don't wake up sick, yes i too get very worried. Have your Dr check your HCG levels to make sure they are going up. My doctor says everything is fine right now.  Good luck and Congrats!  

  7. I had severe morning sickness with my son, i was actually spitting up blood coming from my throat because of the force it was that bad.

    Everyone is different though, i know morning sickness is one of the biggest indictors before the positive test but for some people it just doesn't happen, other symptoms happen and then go away after a while. If you are worried about your lack of sickness and you think something may be wrong, go and talk to your doctor or midwife about it. I'm sure everything is fine though. You also may not be a morning sickness person as you didn't have much of it with your first child. You are only as short way through your pregnancy, so it might come later on.

    But don't worry not having morning sickness isn't a bad thing, it's good, least you can eat and drink what you want without bringing it all back up!! Good Luck

  8. I hardly had any morning sickness at all. I think you should consider yourself lucky, I did! Good Luck! You are fine!

  9. I didn't have any morning sickness at all, I'm 27 weeks now.  I was freaking out all the time because of not having any "real" pregnancy symptoms and always thinking something was wrong.  LOL I would actually go to the washroom and squeeze my chest to make sure it was still sore, that's how paraniod I was.

  10. Seriously stop stressing, you are very lucky not to get it don't complain!

  11. I also had barely any morning sickness with my first pregnancy and have had NONE at all with this one I am 7wks. It is a little scary and I do find myself worrying a little if I am still pregnant! LOL However I have to tell myself and it seems to work, that if something was wrong my body would let me know somehow! I had 8 ultrasounds with my first baby and in between them when she (my first baby) would become less active and stop moving for a 1/2 day I would get worried too! I think its natural and normal to have these worries creep into our thoughts we just have to reassure ourselves that our bodies will not let us down we are fine and if something goes wrong we will know!!!

    Hang in there and try not to worry too much


  12. I felt the same until i was 19 weeks I was not sick until about 11 week and was only sick about 3 times. Don't worry about not having it some people have it really bad all through their pregnancy your lucky

    Good Luck

  13. I had no morning sickness at all with my son and he was born a healthy little boy!  Consider yourself lucky - I wouldn't wish even my best day of morning sickness on my worst enemy :)

  14. i didnt get it at all during my first pregnancy.. and i miscarried

    so then this time around i anxiously awaited this morning sickness but it never came!! It scared me everyday until i was 9 weeks and saw on the ultrasound my baby was okay and heard the heartbeat. I went and bought a doppler from ebay that day! Im now 13 weeks and still have never been sick. I dont have ANY symptoms! SO, to reassure myself i check the baby's heartbeat. Its still there :) Maybe you should grab a doppler? Its a pricey investment but it makes me Feel SOOOOO much better about the pregnancy.

    If not, rest assured. Im going through the same thing as i am sure lots of other women are, and we are all fine - just like you :)

  15. Consider yourself lucky/blessed!!! I had bad morning sickness w/ my 1st, about a month's worth w/ my 2nd and I'm now pregnant w/ my 3rd and I don't have anything! I get a little nauseated every now and again, mainly when I'm hungry, but that's it! I'm totally loving it!!! My b***s hurt like heck, but I'll take that over nausea any day! My sister was sick for 2 wks w/ her 4th, so it's not a law that you MUST have morning sickness to have a normal pregnancy! Congrats and enjoy not being sick!

  16. I wouldn't worry about it. I have had 4 pregnancies and never had one bout of sickness at all. Just enjoy the fact that you are not experiencing any sickness!! Good luck.

  17. Morning sickness is only one symptom of pregnancy.  Not everyone will have it and on the flip side some people become extremely sick (hyper-emisis).  As someone who threw up 24/7 for 8 months, I would be grateful that you aren't nauseated!  Enjoy your pregnancy!

  18. I never once threw up never even felt sick NOT ONCE some people are different. BE HAPPY you dont have it some people cant keep water down.

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