
Lack of enthusiasm for volleyball!!!!!!!?

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How can I get excited and motivated about the upcomeing season? volleyball is my favorite sport, but this year I have no drive to one have any ideas to kick me into gear??




  1. go to alot of camps with your friends. it is always funner if your doing a sport with people you know. Also think about the person your competing with to get a spot.  You know, if your a middle, think about all the other middles at your school and how much you want to beat them for the starting spot. Think about all they are doing this summer to get better and challenge yourself to do more and get better.

  2. Maybe you are outgrowing your interested in it.  I know several people that outgrew their interest in different sports but I know I never will.

  3. Maybe you should go watch a professional match?  Seeing some of the best at the sport do what they do in a very energetic and competitive stage might inspire you.  You can then see where your skills could be and basically set a goal to look forward to if you practice.  Its hard to do something when you don't have a goal in mind for the future.  Hope this helps!

  4. You might take 1 week totally off from volleyball.  Maybe, you will miss it so much, you will WANT to come back to volleyball.  When you are involved 52 weeks a year, it is difficult to stay enthusiastic about it.  When you get back, take it easy for 1 week.  Light peppering and practice by yourself.  After that, it will be time to get really back into practice and workout mode.  

    Or you could try just getting with a friend and see if they can get you fired up.  Some of my former team mates were always fired up.  And being around them, I became fired up.

  5. play for 5 days continuously & then u vll agan get excited & vll desire to play VB

  6. Maybe your getting lazy.  Get out of the mall go to the beach and get dirty and play.  If you quit sports at this age it's harder to get back into them later.  Staying active is impotant when your younger so you can stay in some kind of shape.  Also volleyball is a great sport that can be played all through college and you later years for exercise.

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