
Lack of power outlet on plane! Any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there,

So I'm going on a like 20-hour flight (or something ridiculous like that) and I was hoping to watch DVDs to get through it. The issue is that my laptop and portable DVD player batteries only last about 2 hours. I was wondering if there is such a thing as a portable DVD player that runs on AA batteries or something like that because all the ones I've seen at BestBuy need to be recharged once they drain.

I could buy an extra battery for the portable DVD player but that'll only give me about 4 hours extra and its not worth it for the cost.... Do you have any suggestions?

And yes, I know I should be sleeping on the plane, but for some reason I can't, so please don't suggest that.




  1. Just buy a couple battrys for the dvd player and return them after your trip

  2. if your into electricing and such then what you can do is take a battery terminal and attach it to the player. But, as my question is, I don't know where to get terminals.

  3. This might help. It recharges/ replaces your battery. It adds 120 to 360 minutes of playtime, depending on how much drain you DVD player has on it. So it could possibly add 6 hours of movie time to the 2 you probably already get. Also, if you have a night time setting it helps save the battery as it's not making the screen as bright.  The only dvd player I've found that uses AA batteries was made by Samsung, it was about $30, but it only plays mini DVD's.

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