
Lack of sensitivity.....please help.

by Guest63954  |  earlier

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I've been masturbating every 1-2 days for the past 3 years. I have noticed a major lack of sensitivity in my p***s. I am a bit worried that when I have s*x, I will not be able to reach o****m. Should I stop masturbating for a while? Does Aloe Vera gel help? What about Vaseline? Not for lubrication, just to bring normal sensitivity back.




  1. Masturbation is healthy and natural.  Just slow down on it.

  2. Sensitivity is lost by such major amounts of masturbation. You know the only way to solve that. No, lubrication will not work.

    Also, it normally does the opposite during s*x. It normally makes you overly sensitive in s*x and you normally lose it within less than a minute or two. Causing the partner to reconsider sexual intercourse.

    Slow down the masturbation. Stop for two weeks. Then slow it down. Twice a week maximum for best results.

    If you start using lubrication, it will make you want to m********e more. I don't recommend that.

    Masturbation is healthy, but also should be used in moderation. You can over due and cause problems like this.  

  3. why don't i go over there and help u out???;...

  4. Everybody's less sensitive to their own touch then to somebody else's. I wouldn't worry dude.  

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