
Lack of sleep, what does it do to your body?

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Yes, I have great lack of sleep like I sleep only 5 hours the other time think and think.




  1. A sufficient quality balance among nutrition, activities, and rest ( sleep) is essential for self-preservation to keep up your high standard of spiritual and physical value, ability, and capacity for daily living. Chronic sleep depreciation will impair your functional reserve and affects the efficiency of daily living.

  2. It can make you look old way before your time.  

  3. Depends how much sleep you lose. If it's only a night or two it won't do you any major harm, you'll just be tired and a little spaced out for a while, and it could make certain tasks difficult like driving a car. But longer than that can have pretty major effects on your immune system and short-term mental health. Are you having trouble sleeping or you just curious?

  4. Doesn't perform as well in terms of physical activities and mental.

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