
Lactic acid threshold workouts???

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The past two meets that I've been to, I've had to run the 800. Each time, I die in the last 90 or so meters. Before these two meets, I used to comfortably be able to run a 2:03 (61 second first lap then 62). These two meets I stepped my first lap up to 57 seconds but each time Ive come in at 64 seconds. I'm right on pace for a 1:58 or so but my legs just die in that last 90 meters. What are some workouts where I can keep that from hapenning?




  1. 800, brave man.  XD i can't stand the 8...

    You're going to die, its natural.  you need to dig deep, and find it in you to keep it up.  try using your arms at the end of the race even more, it'll keep you from slowing down.

    The best threshold workout i know is this (I can't give you pace, i'm sorry):  You have a pace, sub-tempo, that you'll do this at.  For myself, when i did this, i ran a 20:30 5k, and i did this workout at 7:00-7:05 per mile.  Find yourself a nice loop that is a mile (you can do it on the track, but its awful boring).  Run the mile at the perscribed pace, but don't stop.  keep going for the entire time of the workout.  the first time you do this workout, it will last 20 minutes.  every time from then on, increase the time by about 5 minutes.  keep the same pace.  The workout should not be overly painful, as it isn't so fast, but it will drain you, so be sure to have water and snacks available for when you're done.  You'll need to stretch a bit too.

    hope it helps!


  2. You may have gone out way to fast for the first 200 and are dying as you come through the quarter.

    This seems to be where you're at now. There is no better formula than even splits or close to it.

    Keep doing what youve been doing that got you this far, I dont think you can just jump to 1:58 like that

  3. If you are running 61, then a 57 doesn't feel too  bad until somewhere later in the race.

    That is a big drop in time.

    Why not try a 59 or 60 and see if  you can come back with a 61.

    It is better to run even rather than go out too fast and hope you don't slow down too much the second lap.

    Some workouts would be stress endurance intervals.

    You can run repeat 400s at race pace with 3 minutes rests, do 3 to 4.

    Run 2x500 at race pace with 5 minutes rest.

    Run 2x1000 coming through the 800 about 5 seconds slower than your race pace, with 10 to 15 minutes rest.

    A good time trial is to run 600 take 1 minute rest at that spot then sprint the 200. The total time is what you should be able to race in the 800.

    If you want to race 1:58 go out in 59, run the third 200 at pace and then finish.

    If you can do the fourth 200 in 29 it will look like  you are kicking in because everyone else is slowing.

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