
Lacto Veg. Or Vegans?

by Guest65109  |  earlier

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I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, have been for 6 months. I want to become a Lacto Vegetarian now. So, the question is, what do you eat in a typical day??





    this is a good site that just shows you the basic make up of what vegans should eat in a day

    i really like this site as well because it has a TON of vegan things that are especially helpful and really easy

    this site is a one stop place to find sites with vegan recipes

    hope these help you out and good luck

  2. Breakfast: coffee, oatmeal with fruit & soy milk.

    Lunch: salad with nuts & homemade dressing or a veggie sandwich with hummus.

    Dinner: Tofu or a bean dish, veggies, & sometimes bread.

    Dessert: fruit or homemade vegan baking. (Yesterday was chocolate cupcakes with fluffy buttercream frosting.)

    Snacks: fruit, raw veggies, nuts, hummus, whatever's tasty and on-hand.

  3. Your are in a good path.

    if you can ;drop the dairy products too.

    if you still want it . try Raw milk , because pasterized milk is.....

    Pasteurized milk is not healthy. Tests were made with calves. After the calves were proven to be in excellent health and growing normally feeding on the cow. Then they milked the cow and fed it to the calf. No problems there. Then they pasteurized the milk and fed it to the calf. The calf died of malnutrition. My uncle in Calif. drank Certified Raw Milk. The cows are washed before milking. They are tested more often and for more diseases than other dairies,   He  told me about their neighbor. They went away for a week. But they forgot to leave a note for the milkman. When they came home, they found 2 bottles of milk on their back steps. She said that she would be able to make some sour milk pancakes from them. But the milk was still sweet. So she left them sitting on the cupboard for a few more days. But they were still sweet, so they just drank it. Try that with pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk does not turn sour. It turns rotten. You cannot use it for anything. Pasteurization was developed to sterilize beer, not milk. Somw states are approving the sale of Certified Raw Milk. But the opposition will blame every problem to the unpasteurized milk, whether milk had anything to with it or not. I am waiting for them to blame a broken leg on it. Nurses that drank 2 cups of pasteurized milk a day had a 50% greater risk of a broken hip in a fall. It should be outlawed, not Certified Raw Milk.

    Knowledge's power.

  4. um im not sure but... my friends a vegan and she eats vegatables soya milk some cereals some breads uh.... fruit bars and stuff like that
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