
Ladies, Are you a shrewed shopper? Do you buy from the reduced counter at your supermarket?

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Do you go to boot fairs and buy quality clothes and have them cleaned? Do you buy the cheaper cleaning aids or go for the branded ones? Can you make a pound go as far as your mum? Plese tell me how you save money.




  1. Like Jam, I love going through the reduced section at the supermarket and tend to make my meals around that. BOGOF too.

    I don't scrimp on cleaning products though - tried it once and they just don't last as long/ do as good a job.

    Hate clothes shopping anyway, so if I walk past something that catches my eye, I'll just buy it.

    I live alone, and sometimes I go shopping with a friend who also lives alone - we buy the 'family value' stuff like 20 rolls of loo paper, huge boxes of washing powder, big portions of meat etc and spilt them between us.

    Storage space would be a problem otherwise! Also, less chance to products going off/ getting ruined before you've used them!

  2. I like raiding the reduced section in my local Tesco - you can get some really good stuff at a fraction of their original price, which is great for storing in the freezer.

    That's about all i do though.

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