
Ladies, How did you learn to be a gold digger?Did mom and sis' teach you, is it genetic,how does one learn

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With all this equality and role reversal stuff ,I've decided I want to become a gold digger too, just part time at first, mind you.




  1. I have a part time position opening up.

    *flashes a wad of cash to Ryde On*   ;)

  2. i'm not a gold digger and neither is my mother. i make my own money, about 600 dollars more per month than my partner actually.

    maybe you just attract that type of girl.

  3. My mama told me if you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all.

    so, thanks for the points.

  4. Well, I read a book about gold panning. Then I took a metal pan to a mountain stream, and practiced panning for gold in the dirt and rocks deposited in the bottom of a waterfall area. I've only found a few specks so far, but it's a start. I have a metal detector, too, but I've only found a few bottle caps.

    No, I wasn't taught by my parents, it's mostly curiousity. I've had better luck finding gold rings and necklaces in parking lots and in the litter on the street. I also find pennies and dimes everywhere, which I put in my daughter's piggy bank and deposit in her bank account when it's full so she will have money for high school stuff when it's time. Like Calvin says, "there's treasure everywhere!"

  5. I don't think you quite understand the way things work - those of us who want equality (like myself) are not gold diggers.  Girls who are gold diggers are not interested in equality, and I cannot relate to them whatsoever.

  6. All that equality taught me that gold-digging was for whores, and I'm not a w***e.

  7. i never learned to be a gold digger   and don't plan on learning   that is not a good thing    life is to short for all that bull

  8. I went to Colorado and found an old prospector hiding way up in the hills.  He taught me everything I know, and I'm still not rich.  Maybe I need to seek out a better teacher?

    Equality and gold-digging don't actually go together -- they're quite the opposite, really.  I also don't get how gold-digging and role reversal go together.  But maybe that's just me?

  9. LOL. Gold diggers are airheads. They never care about equality, because it messes up their plans. BTW, they grow up one day and become anti - feminists. So, good luck with that. Smile.

  10. I'll let this looser I knew teaches you, but do you really want to? Because, believe me, He still being a looser, and is not so good now.

  11. Good luck with that.  We figure it out as we go.  

    It only works when you're young and cute.  (I doubt that you have a chance.)

  12. My mom is a gold digger, but I really don't want to be like her (or at least I hope not).

    If I was like her, I would marry any rich guy regardless of how he is. I dumped a medical student/future doctor (who was guaranteed to make a lot of money), because his personality just wasn't for me and I didn't like him. My mom told me I was making a bad choice for dumping a rich doctor, but whatever.

  13. LMFAO!  That's a hoot!  But seriously're not nearly dumb enough to be a gold digger and although I don't truly know you, I get the impression that you've got far more pride than that.  Nor do I think that you're that much of a tramp where you'd put out for a pair of earrings....feel free to give it a try if you want, but I don't think you'll like it.

  14. All you have to do is sell your body and your soul! Good luck!

  15. well first you most likely have to be really hot and have huge fake boooobies.

    i would reccomend watching anything with the playboy bunnies and hugh hef. they should teach you well.

    gold digging is stupid. i'd rather work for my own things, and actually fall in love with someone, rather than leach and use them solely for their money. i feel bad for rich guys who have this problem.

  16. why not? join the millions of american men who earn way less than their significant others, do not report all their earnings so they do not get taxed as much and so that they can get paid allimony when they get divorced. Don't worry you will be in good company

  17. I wouldn't know, as I am still broke after my divorce. :)


    And don't forget your pickaxe.

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