
Ladies, I need your input :)?

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Hey ladies! This is our 6th month of TTC. I know it's too not long, as some of you ladies have been trying for years, but it's so disappointing, and it hurts so much every time another unsuccessful month goes by. I'm sure we all are all too familiar with the feeling. I try not to over analyze my symptoms, but I had a good feeling this month. I took a test yesterday, (10 DPO) and it was BFN. Not surprising, it was probably too early. My period is due Thurs, and I've been having some strong symptoms of either pms or pregnancy. My b***s are the most sore they've ever been in my entire life. The other night, they kept waking me out of my sleep cause I would lay on them wrong and the pain would wake me. That has NEVER happened. They feel somewhat heavy, and it's very painful when they're touched, and it even painful when walking. The veins are also much more noticeable. I felt a lil dizzy the other day. I feel like crying constantly, and am also very short tempered lately. I also have cramps, but that happens for me before I get my period, but I'm getting them in my ovary area as well, which doesn't normally happen. I do feel like my period is right around the corner, the only thing making me question it more, is the b***s. The pain is down right ridiculous. I know this could go either way, but I just wanted to get some opinions, or hear similar stories. I also make sure to have s*x on the right days, we use a fertility monitor. Thanks ladies for your help or experiences, and here's all the luck and baby dust in the world for you all! Hoping this is the lucky month for us all :)




  1. Sounds encouraging.  I got a nosebleed while I was running... that's never happened before... only when I'm pregnant.  I think really sore b***s are a good sign.  Mine got really big and hot too.  I think you might have struck lucky this month.

  2. i totally wish the best for you, it sounds to me like you might be pregnant cus i just went to talk to a physician today and because my b***s usually hurt before my period i asked her if they would hurt worse if i was pregnant and she said that it is a very good chance of that... so baby dust to you...and i know god has a plan...and maybe this month is the plan!!

  3. the sore b***s is a good sign, but dont get your hopes up. i know stress can cause things like that. when i ws hoping i was pregnant, i swore i had all the symptoms, but i think i was just too excited.. but, i really hope that this is it for you. i hate that people are irresponsible and go end their pregnancy, when there are plenty of people out there who want a baby sooo bad and cant have one, or take a long time to have one.. i wish you the best of luck, my daughter is 3 weeks old, and is the best thing that has happened to me!!!

  4. I am not sure of your age but if you are close to 35 and have been trying for 6 months you could be ready to see a fertility doctor.  Does your GYN know that you are trying?  Sometimes those fertility monitors are not enough.  Good luck with your quest and good luck to all the ladies trying this month.

  5. You're describing me last month, (m/c on 7/30) and it's shaping up like this month looks much the same.  I'm 36 and it's my 4th baby though. ;0) I've done this a few times, but they're all a little different.

    The boob pain is PROFOUND compared to regular PMS b***s isn't it?  In retrospect, the pissy/crying thing was the funniest thing in the world.  I remember stopping and thinking "why am I crying?" and "wow, he didn't really DO anything, calm down" I hear a lot about cramping in early pregnancy, I barely pay attention though.  I had the head rush/dizzy feeling too.

    Umm, the one thing that I noticed you didn't mention was being tired. When that hits I expect you'll find it will hit the "profound" level as well.  If you're noticing it's different, then it probably is.  Honestly, I think in my first and second pregnancies I think I barely felt anything until I was 6-8 wks, but I might've just been waiting for morning sickness. (It came)

    Good luck testing in Thursday!  Let us know. ;0)

  6. You're right 10 dpo is too early.  I am currently pregnant with #2 and I tested at 10 dpo and got a negative as well.  Save your money and test when your period is late.  The sore b***s are a REALLY good sign though, so baby dust to you!

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