
Ladies, Is it ok to wear......?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ok for me to wear a thong? My wife really loves to see me in a thong and says I look good in them. I know a lot of you think it is gross and not right for a guy to wear one. But can I wear it for her?




  1. WTF?!?!

  2. um, if she reallllly likes it... i find it quite disturbing...

  3. I don't prefer it but If it's for you wife I don't see why you can't.  

  4. yea. its not like anyone else is goin to see it unless you bend down

  5. If she likes it then go for it but its a little weird to me "/

  6. dont, i thinks thats gross and really weird and if she likes them so much then she can wear one.

  7. ummm if you want?

  8. hahahhaha HELLLLLL no.

  9. haha, noone's gonna see besides her, right

  10. They make men's thongs for men to wear them. So, go turn her on!

  11. If she enjoys it, and both of you are happy, then why not?


  12. oh WOW ummmmmmm I would say a Speedo would be a better choice at least....

  13. shes the only one whos gonna see it aha. go ahead

  14. why is it gross?

    its just underwear...i mean me or the next girl on the street aint gonna see it!

    wear it for your wife if she likes it, and if youre okay with it.

    dont listen to any of the haters who will call you "g*y"  

  15. as long as she doesnt take pictures or film you and she is the only one that really sees it, yes

  16. If she likes it then

    theres no problem is there?


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