
Ladies, Sarah Palin cannot even compare to Hillary Clinton ... why does McCain want you to think she does?

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Are you really going to lower your standards just to see a female in the White House as VP?

Believe me, Sarah Palin ain't no Hillary Clinton ... not by a long shot!

Hillary has Integrity. Palin did this;




  1. the only ones I see trying to compare the two are democrats.  

    I agree with the above poster.  If she was comparable to Clinton, I wouldn't want her!  Hillary's past is so checkered an expert checker player couldn't cover the board.

  2. So that the rich Neocons can keep stealing our money and natural resources.

    That's all they ever have in mind.

  3. Why would anyone want to compare with Hillary? because believe me I am glad she does not compare. As I would not want her back in the white house for any reason. Sarah is a strong woman with values.  

  4. Actually, people compare them all the time, I did, and in comparison Palin is the complete OPPOSITE of Hillary

    Sarah Palin ain't no Hillary Clinton...That's why I support Palin

    Hillary has integrity? HAHAHAHA

    Palin's earmarks (as shown in your link) were for things that benefitted her town:

    $500,000 for a youth shelter

    $1.9 million for a transportation hub

    $900,000 for sewer repairs

    $15 million for a rail project -- all intended to benefit Palin's town, Wasilla, located about 45 miles north of Anchorage.

    Soon after, the city benefited from additional earmarks:

    $500,000 for a mental health center

    $500,000 for the purchase of federal land

    $450,000 to rehabilitate an agricultural processing facility

    Do you have ANY idea what Hillary's earmarks have been for?...Do you know that she has been labeled the QUEEN of Earmarks, for having the MOST in our history?

    Look into what some of those were for...Like her Hippy Museum that was shot down, yet she vowed to find a way to make it happen, despite what the people want

    Integrity? lol

  5. Its politics ,  she hasn't done anything  any of the other politicians hasn't  

  6. Your right, Palin has more class.  

  7. Without the "Clinton" name, Hillary would be an Asst. D.A. in Little Rock.

  8. Thank god Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton.

    Clinton's got a slime trail from Arkansas to DC & back. From Whitewater to bimbo eruptions to closed door healthcare to her sleazoid husband to carpet bagging to NY just to use it as a to stepping stone to attempt the presidency.

    And dont forget the sniper fire she avoid in Bosnia.

    Please. Everyone forgets why the dems didn't want Hillary but I haven't. She may have lived in the White House, but her time as first lady is no experience.

    Again, THANK god Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton.

  9. Hillary Clinton?  You mean the Hillary Clinton who made up a story about being under fire that turned out to be a lie? That Hillary Clinton?

  10. No, I am not lowering my standards. I never would have voted for Clinton and I was already going to vote for McCain. Palin just makes me more sure of my choice.  

  11. That's right.  Palin wasn't the only first lady indicted by a grand jury.

  12. don't pretend to be for hillary now you were probably one of those very people who bashed her and called her all sorts of names. if u liked her so much why don't you write her name in then instead of voting for obama you missing what hillary was trying to do and what palin is accomplishing and that is getting qualified women into places of power which were previously only reserved for men. so what should women in your opinion do now vote for whichever man no matter how unqualified he is just because other men say so

  13. McCain is such an old fool he thinks women across the country will vote for anyone their gender regardless of their beliefs !!

  14. McCain/Palin over NObama/Loser anyday

  15. No one cares about Hillary... they like Obama.

  16. Sarah Palin would not want to be compared to Hillary Clinton.  Sarah Palin is her own woman. She stands on her own with her own accomplishments.

  17. sticks and stones may break my bones but you are one dumb pollack .

  18. Thank God she is no Hillary Clinton.  Clinton is just barely ahead of Odumber in the experience department.  

  19. She is going to try to get women voters. This is nuts, they do not even stand for the same things. She does not make a pimple on Hillarys butt. People who just wanted a woman will pick her, but not for principaals, they will go with Oboma if they want Hillarys stances on things. Poor attempt at getting woman, i do not think we are this stupid. He thinks we are!

  20. Excuse McCain, he is just a male and seems to think that one broad is as good as another

    It's another example of not thinking the whole thing thru from start to finish

    Hillary is unique, none of the other "ideas" even come close

  21. B/c Swillary isn't on the ticket!! did you forget??  ha ha hah !!

  22. LOL! If she was Hillary Clinton, we wouldn't want her.

  23. Over the past 10 years, Alaska has been one of the most fiscally irresponsible states in the Union.

    Palin was around for 4 of those years, so take that as you will.  The comparison to Hillary and Palin is misplaced, you cannot compare someone like Hillary, who has actual Congressional experience, to Palin, who was a mayor for a town of 8,000 and a governor for less then 2 years.  Palin is going to be put through a "political gauntlet" by the will be a true test to see how well she can fair against the attacks.  

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