
Ladies, What's more important in a guy?

by  |  earlier

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his charm and personality

or physical appearance, a great body

or is it both




  1. personality..looks help too..

  2. all of it...but most of all his heart <333

  3. Both matter but the most important thing is his true personality

  4. personality

  5. personality,watch out for the charm

  6. Well it really depends on the circumstances and the kind of person the girl is. If you catch a guys eye from across the room, it will be physical appearance and body that first attract you to him. But other times, you might be great friends with a guy for his charm and personality and then it develops into something more. Its most likely a mix of both.

  7. charm and personality ..because it wont take long for Mr Fit tu be Mr Fat so charm and personality is more imporant according to me ..  

  8. A little bit of everything. A cute butt and nice eyes is a good start x

  9. girls always notice the physical appearance first and then the personality

    if the guy has a great personality then girls start forgetting about the looks

    if girls like his personality then they'll accept his flaws and like him too

    its kinda like the more personality you have the less you need in the physical appearance department

    and if you have a not so good personality then no offense but you better look good

  10. even if he is a midget,charm and personality matters

  11. Men come and go so the answer whats more important is..


  12. i think it is all about how he treats you and your family but pcharm and personality is a big part to. not to mention if he is hott then yea i would do him

  13. His personality and that he doesn't have one thing on his brain. Looks are important too, but what the heart holds is much greater....

  14. personality and physical appearance  

  15. he has to have a good body and be cute and then he has to be nice and caring and loving

  16. glad that most girls go for charm!!

  17. To me, personally, I feel that charm and personality is most important. Women need attention and a guy with a good heart. Of course this doesn't count for all women. I have not used any sources, just my womanly instinct.

  18. it rlly depends on the lady.

    i think its a mixture of both and my friend thinks its the first one so get to know the lady but if she likes u enough she will bend for u

  19. Its got to be both - nice appearance to attract somebody then good personality to keep them interested

  20. height is all that is important as long as he is 5'10 or 6 ft

  21. charm and personality,

    but a great physical appearance and body is a healthy bonus.  

  22. Appearance is what grabs my attention, but its the charm and personality that keeps me interested.  

  23. both i got both in my bf

  24. His heart and soul

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