
Ladies, What does the perfect male body look like?

by Guest56823  |  earlier

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Ladies, What does the perfect male body look like?

Ladies, What does the perfect male body look like?

Please show me a picture.Would you consider this perfect?




  1. It really depends on who you ask.  Personally, I like my men tall, skinny, and kinda geeky and scruffy.  One of my friends likes hers looking like they just came out of the CIA, all able to kill you with their bare hands.  A third liked red-heads.  Really, that was her major qualification.

    Not that it matters all that much, anyway.  I've dated some tall, geeky men, but I've also dated shorter, rounder, more clean cut men, too.  Really, most girls are actually interested in personality, too, once they reach a certain age and maturity level.

  2. I'm Spartacus ! No !  I'm Sparacus.  No Me, I'm Spartacus.

  3. There is no such animal just as there is no perfect Female body. We put to much emphasis on what Hollywood & Ad companies tell us we should look like and many have destroyed themselves trying to follow that myth.

  4. I would say "Each to their own"

  5. It will surely vary from person to another person !

  6. there is no perfect body for anyone, some might think they have the perfect body but nobody is perfect and beauty is within

  7. What does the prefect male body look like? Without looking at your pic, I will say, that in the eyes of the one who will love you for all her life, you are PERFECT enough.

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