
Ladies, after a miscarriage did you have a problem with your period that it wouldn't come or it was different?

by  |  earlier

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So, I had a miscarriage right at 8 weeks in my pregnancy(this was 3 weeks ago) I had an incomplete miscarriage so the doctor recommended that i have the D&C procedure which I did.

By when will I get my period, so far I haven't had it, but the bleeding after the procedure lasted a week and a half. Did any of you have a problem that your period wouldn't come after a D&C procedure? Was it the same length? Mine is usually 5 days long, and its every 35-38 days.




  1. it can sometimes correct a long cycle.

    ive had 5 and my cycle came back 28-31 days after ,except for 1 which was 14 days after but 2nd period was 28 days after that.

    i had 2 d&c and the rest were natural.

  2. yes it can change your body may still think your pregnant and the hormones have to change back. I am not sure how long it took my body to get back to "Normal" I am sorry for the loss of your baby :( I know how very sad and traumatic that it is. I have been pregnant  8 times and  have 3 kids. I even had a tubal pregnancy. During the hospital stay an elderly lady came by to bring me a newspaper and saw me crying. I told her what had happened and she said one, its all in Gods timing .. not ours. it  was very hard to accept that but she also hugged me and whispered in my ear that she has a tubal years before... she also went on to have children after wards and so did i .. one word of caution don't have s*x so soon after though. you will get preg very easy.,. and i did lucky for me we saved the baby :)

    best of luck to you.. Hugs  

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